Physics & Pre- Calc 11 – Midterm Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting

End of Semester update: Goal reflection 
Yes, I would say I met my goal. Although I did not study for 3 hours a day every day, I learnt to alter my study schedule appropriately to how many assignments or tests I needed to study for. This is because I realized that I having a good personal/school life balance is also important. Instead, I went to the library 3-4 times a week usually with a friend and study for upcoming tests or work on assignments. A success I found with my goal was learning more about what works for me in terms of studying effectively, a challenge was finding motivation spending long periods of time studying. Like I mentioned before, a strategy that really helped was studying with friends or classmates. This really helped because I always had someone I could ask questions to, work on an assignment together with, or even just to take a break with. Since co-op is a pretty work heavy course, next semester I don’t think I would need to study as much but I will still continue studying in the library with friends using the same study techniques. A goal I would like to focus next semester is to ask more questions during class.

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