Visual Resume
Here is my visual resume,
Here is my visual resume,
I intend on preparing for the finals by going to the tutorial today and asking you as many questions with areas that I struggle with like scale factors and rational numbers. I’ve also been studying at home by revisiting all the math topics and the quizzes we did.
Rafi Cauzon, my dad, What is your job title? Calibration Supervisor What is your job description? To supervise calibration technicians. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? I calibrate laboratory instruments at universities and hospitals. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas: a) training? In […]
This core competency reflection is based on my communication and personal awareness and responsibility. Self-Reflection Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process. I think I […]
Define One of climate change’s problem are the factories. Certain factories that burn up fossil fuels or use toxic materials, contribute so much to climate change because of the greenhouses gases like carbon dioxide and methane that comes out of the place. These greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat into our atmosphere which makes the […]
Part 2 The questions I researched were: What does Neodymium look like? What is Neodymium used for? What is the atomic structure of Neodymium? Who and how discovered Neodymium? What are some important things we need to know about Neodymium How dangerous is Neodymium? Where is it found? New digital tools I used on this […]
How might your digital footprint affect your future oppurtunities? It might affect your job and school life by making a bad impression on yourself. Whatever it is will mark your reputation. When you apply for a job or to a college, they could easily find stuff about you online so its better to clean your […]