Elemental Info Fluency
Part 2
The questions I researched were:
What does Neodymium look like?
What is Neodymium used for?
What is the atomic structure of Neodymium?
Who and how discovered Neodymium?
What are some important things we need to know about Neodymium
How dangerous is Neodymium?
Where is it found?
New digital tools I used on this project were:
- Sway
- Citation Machine
- Gale Engage
- creative commons
How I did my research and citedÂ
I was able to do a bit of my research on Gale Engage at school, and it was easier because it’d have a ready citing link for me to copy. But when working at home, Gale Engage wasn’t available for me unfortunately. So instead, I used the school library, Destiny Discover, Webpath Express, which I hope is okay. I made sure to only use websites that allowed a citation link for people to source. I found citing photos on creative commons quite alright. But it was challenging because sometimes I wouldn’t get the photo I wanted, so I would use google. With google, I used the citation machine, which was confusing at first but it’s definitely useful.
What could I have done better?
Next time I should try to ask more deep questions and write more sophisticated answers. Maybe also should have used Youtube for this project because listening and watching a video would have made my life easier.
Very good information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Your debrief could have been more detailed but considers what you did well and what you could have improved upon.