Community Connections

        For my Community Connection project, I interviewed Amanda Thi, a League of Legends streamer on twitch. She streams 2-4 times a week, averaging 5 hours and gaining 600+ viewers a stream. I chose to interview her because we have something in common, addicted to playing League of Legends for hours. And also because I want to try live streaming in the future. I tried getting her attention on twitch, but I couldn’t. I reached out to her on Instagram and it worked. It took a while for her to answer but it was worth it in the end, I learned a lot. Some of the things I learned are related to the game, but mostly, I learned a little bit about what it’s like being a streamer.

AmandaThi - Twitch



  1. Why are you passionate about your job or role? 

“I’m passionate about my job (streaming) because I get to do what I love with the support from an amazing community. Not many people can play video games for a living so that’s kind of NUTS.”

 2. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“Obstacles I had to get through was a lot. Twitch is super saturated so getting noticed is almost impossible. It just took a lot of grinding, ups and downs, feelings of insecurity and constantly comparing yourself to others. Also being a girl on twitch makes you susceptible to a lot of misogyny and harassment.”

 3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“My advice is to do it as a hobby, never stream for money or hopes of getting big otherwise you will find yourself disappointed a lot. Don’t focus on numbers.”

 4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“Yeah of course! You can contact me via discord or twitch. amanda ❤#0001

 5. What advice(s) would you give to someone who just started climbing ranked in League?

“My advice to someone who just started climbing ranked in League is to one trick a champion and get really good at them. If you genuinely want to get better then VOD review and look at mistakes that you make, even if it’s a team diff. Also after every game stand up, walk around, breathe, reset.”

6. What are one of your biggest achievements in life?

“Biggest achievement probably would be having such an amazing community and being able to average 600+ viewers without a host, honestly didn’t think this would ever happen but I am super grateful always.”


Climbing Ranked: Ranked is a competitive game mode in League. Climbing it means moving up levels/rank.

One trick: A one trick is someone who only picks one champion/character 100% of the time. Amanda is a Zed one trick, so that means in every game she only plays that character. If their champion gets banned, they will leave the game and hop on a new match.

This is zed

Champion: A player-controlled character

VOD review:  VOD means Video on Demand. A VOD review is a review of your previous footage of matches to identify your mistakes and improve upon them.

Team diff: It is short for Team difference, which means that it’s very noticeable that the opposing team is way better than your team, or vise versa

Host: A host in Twitch gives all broadcasters the ability to host another channel’s live broadcast on his or her own channel page

Our conversation:

Pictures I used:

1st picture: A screenshot I took

2nd, 3rd, and 4th picture: Google

5th picture: A screenshot from the game

Conversation above: Instagram


1 comment on “Community ConnectionsAdd yours →

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
    – To further the connection, try and get commentary on the post, such as sharing it with the individual you interviewed, and see if they will leave feedback
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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