Survival and Identity In Omalas P5

Good afternoon everyone, here is what we will be working on today, in class A-L Thursday & M-Z Friday

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No Red Ink-working on sentences and phrases.  Need more information- Try Grammar Bytes

I have also put some supplementary reading about modifiers and semi colons under class materials–grammar. Please ask me if you have questions about any of these topics!

Ms. Henderson here to share her book talk for silent reading. Yes, you can bring a book from home, but also choose one to leave here, trust me, you will forget your home one.

Go over short story summary and discuss “Omelas”. Think about the “Trolley Problem”

What is juxtaposition? What is juxtaposed in this short story? Let’s look at these images and see if you can figure it out!

Juxtaposition of a van with graffiti against the beauty of nature

Blind spots Spend some time brainstorming your blind spots and biases (read the definition to fully understand) when reading short stories or any stories or watching movies or…etc.  – make a list or graphic and hold onto this (it might come up later).

  • Remember, this means exploring your own experiences and considering how they have impacted your view of the world.
  • Can we choose our blind spots? Is it possible to purposely not see the things we don’t want to see? Argue yes or no with an example from your own life. Have you ever purposely allowed something to be your blind spot because you didn’t want to think about it or deal with it?
    • someone will be the note taker and someone else will be in charge of sharing the group’s response with the class.

The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story. Ursula Le Guin

What do we know about the author?  Ursula Kroeber Le Guin was an American author best known for her works of speculative fiction, including science fiction works set in her Hainish universe, and the Earthsea fantasy series. She was first published in 1959, and her literary career spanned nearly sixty years, yielding more than twenty novels and over a hundred short stories, in addition to poetry, literary criticism, translations, and children’s books.

At Home Classroom:

 A-L Friday