CPR Questions

Guiding questions p 197-201

  1. Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy?

So that he had a platform to convince all Canadians that the railway was needed for Canadas survival.

  1. List and explaineach of the three parts of the National Policy.  In each case, state why MacDonald thought it was important for the future of Canada.

System of protective tariffs: government collects taxes and to encourage people to buy domestic products.

Immigration to the west: bring in farmers, produce and export grain.

CPR: to move troops to protect Canada, move goods,

  1. Who did MacDonald get to invest in the CPR and what were their backgrounds?

The syndicate: George Stephan/ Bank of Montreal. Donald smith/ Hudson’s bay company, James j hill.

  1. What did MacDonald promise the Syndicate?

$25 million in cash,a land grant of 25 million acres, and a monopoly west of Lake Superior for 20 years. In return, the new CPR, Syndicate was to complete the railway within 10 years.

  1. In order to get the benefits from the Government, what did the Syndicate have to do?

The Syndicate had to finish in 10 years with a budget

  1. What did the Syndicate do immediately upon being given the railway contract and why?

Changed the route of the railroad

  1. Why was William Van Horne hired as the new manager of the CPR in 1881?

TO help speed up the building as he was said to be able to motivate the railroad to be built fast.

  1. Describe the achievements of Van Horne’s management.

He finished 5 years ahead of time

  1. What problem did the railway face in 1883 and what was the solution?

They built it so fast that they ran out of Canada

  1. Where did the CPR enter into BC?

Kicking horse

  1. In 1867, why do you think the coast of BC required fewer days to get to from Ottawa than the interior of BC?

You went through the states



y-intercept to general form-Math 10 Week 15


Here we are going from the y-intercept form to general form. This one is special since it has a fraction. We look at the denominators of both the fractions, i just made 5 over 1, then we see the lowest common multiple which in this case is 4 since 4 times 1 is four. So we multiply everything by four and then divide it by the denominator.

image image

Then once we have moved the question down and moved the y also, we can place it on the other side of the equal sign so that we have a remaining equals to zero, the y gets moved commonly inbetween x and the last b number. Now it is in general form.

Pacific Scandal Cartoons

Pacific Scandal Cartoons

  Describe Document Interpret
Will He Get Through? In stands

Someone says what’s the Hoss worth

Clown standing on a bucket

Clown holding a paper disk saying October 23, small hoop

Man on the horse is standing on the horse ready to jump through the hoop

On the right a man is holding a larger hoop, says august 13 prorogation

The first hoop represents the day that MacDonald prorogued government

Macdonald is on top the horse and the horse is the scandal and money

The clown is Mackenzie and the hoop representing MacDonald reopening government


Ms Canada’s School There is a lady teacher with a student at the front of the class and them are students lined up in front of her

Some students are holding out notebooks that say facts

One student is wearing a dunce hat

The chalk boards at the back have sayings about honesty

Their is a map on the back with Seth Huntington’s name on it. It is a map of the cpr and at the end it says ruin


the teacher is miss Canada, as Canada I think she represents the people and Britain maybe the queen

Macdonald is wearing a dunce cap that says bad boy,

On the teacher’s desk there are papers that say scandal and resignation

Mackenzie holds a book that says facts like facts about MacDonald’s scandal

The Irrepressible Showman There is a man standing in front of a crowd line with a woman

There are many people in the line

The heading reads Barnum wants to buy the pacific scandal

There are circus tents in the back

Macdonald s at the front of the line up to go to barnuses circus

Barnus is a circus master and wats to buy MacDonald act or scandal to display as a circus act meaning that MacDonald is a joke

Everybody in the line is a politician

The Beauties of a Royal Commission There are three men in a court one as judge one as witness and one as the defendants lawyer Each man is MacDonald so I think this comic is how MacDonald sent an investigation of his own wrong doing and opening his case because if he is the one investigating himself he is of course going to make sure that every person in court is on his side  
We in Canada Seem to Have Lost all Idea of Justice, Honor and Integrity There are two men standing in front of what looks to be the entrance of a fort












Mackenzie is looking up at  MacDonald and MacDonald is saying that he admits he stole the money but that he sees nothing wrong with that so obviously Canada has lost idea because the head of Canada MacDonald has lost his mind  

Where Are the Children

UN Convention on Genocide: Article 2 In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

“A lot of them have been murdered. Some of them through alcohol and drugs have killed themselves. “


“I remember this one boy, I don’t know what happened to him, but he got sick. Maybe they just give him an aspirin or something, and he died that night. They never tried to really find out what is the matter. They never did.”


(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

You lost your privileges just for looking at a supervisor the wrong way.” Basil ambers

“she would call me a harlot and a little flirt. And here I was 5 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old. I didn’t even know what those words meant until I became a teenager.” Mary ceaser


(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

“Have you ever ate rice and macaroni together, with a little bit of meat, like what you would give to a pig”


“I never ever remember making any decisions of my own. It was kind of like we were programmed.”


(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

“They took my brother away and I never saw my brother for a while after that. Me and my little sister went to the girls’ side.”

“that I didn’t belong in the outside world. I didn’t belong there. It was like a big piece of a puzzle trying to find your own self,”

Fairness Poll

Screenshot (5)

  1. This is like how they were not not allowed to leave their reserve without bringing id with them: 75% said unfair so  can see that this would have been unfair to the aboriginals.
  2. They were not allowed to have alcohol on the reserve:  75% said unfair, so obviously alcohol seems popular.
  3. They were allowed to farm fish and hunt but not on government land:  70% said unfair


Screenshot (6)

  1. They got new clothes every three years: 75% said unfair
  2. As long as they stayed on the reserve they got schools when asked for: 50% said fair
  3. They need to fill out a government census: 50% said unfair

Socials Cartoons

Socials Cartoon 1

5: Donald Smith talking to Reil about letting smiths men out of a fort as they were captured by Reil .

6: The death of Thomas Scott and how it would impact people more than if he were dead.

7: Shultz’s spreading negative propaganda about metis.

Socials Cartoon 2

8: Colonel Woseley trying to keep the peace after the fight but most of his peacekeepers were from the orange order.

9: Reil running away to the states, away from Colonel Woseley because he was afraid of imprisonment.

Canada’s Treatment of the Metis

After the creation of Manitoba the metis did receive all they had asked for in their list but it was not accurate nor fair. They received a scrip which was a piece of paper that gave them either $160 dollars or 160 acres of land and they could choose which. However they did not get to pick where there land was located so it was possible to get a very bad piece of land that wouldn’t grow anything. Also there children land was given out by lottery and would most likely be placed very far away from not only rivers but from their original plot of land.  There was much corruption in even the process of giving this land to the metis. The lawyers and other officials in charge of distributing all of this land would take advantage of the metis illiteracy and lower class position and claim the scrip with money or land for themselves.

The laws of st.laurents are some laws that the metis stated for themselves in their community but they still didn’t want to be independent from the Canadian government.  It was mostly aimed at the bison hunt and how it is to protect the decline of the bison and how it actually has a large effect on the metis life. Inter colonial Railways divided herds and their migrating pathways making it easier for them to die off.

Law of St.Laurent:

people pick their council to settle disputes

captain of the bison hunt was to stay in charge and regulate.

Another thing to happen to the metis was Lawrence Clark who was very racist towards them, he was working with the Hudson bay company.  He was appointed magistrate (officer to enforce Canadian laws) and used it to his advantage to demean upon the metis. Once he arrested a metis leader in an illegal bison hunt which was conducted for the survival of the  men.


Battle Of Seven Oaks

Miles McDonnell i believe is to blame for the battle because he was part of the Selkirk settlement in the colonies. When the settlement tried to survive in Canada’s harsh climates they were brought cold and hunger. The metis tried to help them by going them pemmican but they still suffered anyways.  Because  miles was unhappy with the ways thats things turned out he decided to make a pemmican proclamation stating that no pemmican is to be transported outside of the colony so that the colony does not go without food. He also forbade buffalo hunting where the metis would run the buffalo over a cliff to be able to feed themselves. This would solve the colony and NWC problems but it would ruin the metis family as their lives depended on these practices.  So the metis fought back by stealing and setting fire to buildings.  The HBC AND NWC fought due to the stealing of each others pemmican and so they fought over petty theft. The battle only lasted 15 min.  However this did cause the colonists to leave.
