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Tableau Novel – “TATDPI”

  1. Exposition, the exposition is the background information provided by the author, who, where, what, etc. 

Junior was born into a poor family in the Spokane reservation. He is often starved, but he thinks that being poor makes it so that you can enjoy more things in the world, such as a bucket of chicken and drawing comics. 

In this scene we used editing to make the comic junior was drawing stand out more. 

2. Initiating incident, an event that starts the conflict. 

When Juniors goes to his geometry class on the first day of high school, he discovers that the textbooks they were using were more than 30 years old. He got so mad he threw the book at his teacher. 

In this scene we chose to draw in a book after so that we could also add the “swoosh swoosh” effect to show how the book was being thrown at Mr.P 

3. Raising action, events leading up to and building up to the climax 

Junior transferred schools from the reservation school to Rearden a “white” school, while Junior was facing discrimination, this one kid called Roger, was making him think they wanted a fight. So, Junior punched Roger, and gained respect from the school. 

In this scene we made Roger drop very low, because how junior punch him and he was very stunned and kind of frightened. 

4. Raising action II 

During science class, the teacher was talking about petrified wood. And Junior said that petrified wood isn’t actually wood and explained why. The teacher got mad, but Gordy, the smartest kid in class confirmed that what Junior was saying is true. This was the first time anyone in Rearden had stood up for Junior. 

In this scene we tried to make Gordy on the lower level because it is almost embarrassing to stand up for a “Indian” kid 

5. Raising action III 

Penelope, the most popular girl at Rearden, has a secret. Penelope has bulimia, when Junior discovers this, he waited by the washroom door *with destiny* he comforted Penelope to the best of his abilities. And they became friends. 

In this scene we did some postproduction editing to label destiny to make it clearer. 

6. Climax, this is the most exciting point. It is the turning point in the story where either the protagonist is successful or not in meeting his/her goals.  

Junior playing with the Rearden team has a basketball game against his previous school and his best friend Rowdy. Because he moved to another school, he has been spending increasingly less time with Rowdy. He was never better at basketball than Rowdy, so he wanted to prove that he hasn’t been doing nothing at the new school by beating Rowdy at basketball. 

In this scene we put Junior on the high level because this is like his moment, and we put rowdy on the low level because he is surprised and disappointed in himself. 

7. Falling action, cleaning up the conflict. 

Mutiple people Juniors are very close to died, including Mary (his sister), his grandmother, and Eugene (Junior’s dad’s best friend). Every one of them died somehow because of alcohol. And Junior is now in deep sorrow because of it. 

In this scene we put junior on the low level because of the sorrow he is in. 

8. Conclusion, how the story ends, and a wrap up. 

While Junior is back in his house sad because of the recent deaths, Rowdy comes to visit him. Although they both miss each other, they wouldn’t say so. They went to the basketball court and decided to play basketball just like they did in the old times. 

In this scene we put both Junior and Rowdy on the high level because they are excited to finally play normally like they did when they were kids again.