Written explanation:
My Rube Goldberg Machine called the “Party up” plays music after I hit the light switch which starts a series of events.
Step 1: Once I hit the light switch, the bottom part of the light switch will pop out propelling a ball forward (Mechanical energy) down the inclined plane (Gravitational energy). After which it will hit a wedge to change it’s direction (Elastic energy).
Step 2: After changing directions the ball will fall off the boxes and hit the floor because the gravitational energy transfer into mechanical. However the ball will bounce back up due to the elastic energy turning into mechanical energy after hitting the ground. The ball will bounce into another inclined plane.
Step 3: In this second incline plane the ball will roll down and funnel into hitting a dominos transferring it’s mechanical energy then knocking over the next one transferring it’s mechanical energy and so on until it knocks the last dominos over
Step 4: The last dominos will fall into a box which will add enough weight to push down the forward button on the remote controller.
Step 5: The batteries inside the remote controller(Chemical energy) will transfer into infrared signal (Light energy) for the car to receive. Upon receiving the signal the batteries inside the robot (Chemical energy) will turn into Electrical energy which will turn into Mechanical energy moving forward using the wheel and axel on the robot
Step 6: The robot will move forward and push the 2 cans that are sticking to each other with their magnetic energy.
Step 7: A blockade will stop the bottom can from moving forward, causing it to lose it’s magnetic attraction with the top can. In turn causing it to fall on to a platform due to it’s Gravitational energy transforming into Mechanical energy. Where the platform will push down the space bar on the keyboard.
Step 8: Lastly, the electrical energy which the computer uses will turn into music (Sound energy).
Music credit: “Bowsette” by The Chalkeaters