This quarter while I mainly focused on university applications, I also ran the spoken word livestream, and helped at the spirit assembly and Christmas cards.
My activities this term has helped me improve my ability in time management and patience. Working with the spoken word livestream, I had to arrange to test equipment ahead of time. Working with people from multiple different departments, I communicated clearly my progress and goals.
I found there are always changes that can be applied even in the middle of an event. During Spoken Words, I found that internet speed was occasionally an issue. We were then able to find an ethernet port and adapter connecting to ethernet, improving the quality of our livestream.
I can reflect and assess my work to identify potential problems and solutions. This was demonstrated in the initial testing stages of the spoken word livestream. I identified problems by taking the whole set up and separating them into small pieces. This allowed to be pick out what I needed to replace. I then assess how different solutions fit in to our situation and finalized a decision based on weighting the pros and cons.