LOCOM LAB – science 10 blk A
In the lab we did today, my partnerĀ and I were very confident about our experiment. Unfortunately, we did not get the same number as we had calculated, but my theory is that because I felt the bag get some what heated, my guess is that we lost matter in that it had escaped from the bag when we poured in Chemical C. We possibly did not close the bag fast enough, causing some matter to escape the bag; therefore, not capturing all the possible matter. The reaction was a bit underwhelming, in the sense that we must not have put in enough chemical C, because instead of turning a bright yellow, and becoming squishy, we got a soft, yellow, chunky power like consistency (kind of like Moon Sand, or Squishy Sand); as shown in the photos below.
Measurements and Calculations:
Baggie: 1.9g
Chemical A: 2.3g
Chemical B: 1.9g
Chemical C: 0.5g
total after the product had been measured: 3.7g
our original calculation: 2.8
as you can see from our calculations, we lost approximately 1 whole gram of matter in the 2 second span of closing the baggie.