Core Competency – Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10

For my core competency I have chosen my international business project. During this project I had to think about my personal awareness & responsibility because I was research another culture. In this project we had to do research on a country we wanted to market in. I chose Italy, while researching I had to make sure I wasn’t putting in anything that could potential be offensive or hurtful to the country. This project was one of the easier ones we had but still took time and effort to make it look good and actual be accurate to the country and culture. Another thing is I had to make sure I was putting in time so I could finish the project. We had about 4-5 days in class to finish it, which is a good amount of time. while I was working I had to make sure I would get distracted and could stay on task. In the end I was able to finish on time and present to my peers.

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