Rue Goldberg Project – Hole In One


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Written part:

Rue Goldberg machine:

Name: Hole in one

End goal : get golf ball to get a hole in one


  1. Elastic band hits golf ball 
  2. Golf ball rolls down paper roll 
  3. hits magnets and Ball moves 
  4. hits wall to roll down second paper roll
  5. Ball drops and rolls down platform
  6. Goes into cup
  7. Cup with gold ball goes down and cup with nothing goes up
  8. Cup tips and golf ball rolls onto second platform 
  9. Golf ball rolls into paper roll
  10. Golf ball rolls down paper roll and falls into hole


Paper rolls x3

Golf ball x1

Elastic bans x1

Cardboard x1

Car x1

Magnets x1

Cups (small plastic shot glasses) x2

String x2

Core Competency;

For my core competency I am choosing Communication and Creative thinking. During the project since it was a group project it required to communicate with my partner about what we wanted the project to look like, what we wanted to make move, what kinds of energy we want and is going to be used, what supplies we already had, and what we needed to bring. My partner and I were both absent on the day we learned about the project so we were both little lost, since I had done a project like this in middle school it was easy to figure out what it needed to look like. We both had ideas on the project so we came to a middle ground on what the machine is going to do. As we added more things to the sketch of the machine we had to figure out what category the energy fit into and how many more we need to fit the criteria. once we assembled the machine we ran into some problems with the structure but, we talked about what we could do to fix it and the machine worked almost as perfectly as we wanted.