HCE-9 English Write

Looking at this art piece I able to tell that the colourful bird is different from the others, the colours in the picture are very neutral except for the coloured bird. The bird is green with hints of yellow and blue, where the birds or are coloured darkly or with black, which might mean the colourful bird is not from the area or where the other birds are from and the sign support my idea for example one says “GO BACK TO AFRICA” hinting that the bird might be from Africa and another says “MIGRANTS NOT WELCOME” which is also supporting the idea of the colourful bird is not from the area. When the artist was creating this art piece, I think they were trying to show racism differently, through a different species, showing that because a bird is a different colour or different breed or type of bird it gets treated differently and does not get the same options than the other birds. The general mood of the art piece is anger, hatred, and the feeling of being rejected, rejected from a community that is supposed to be welcoming but instead it’s being unwelcomed and feeling unwanted, and have been hated on because the colourful bird does not look the same as the other birds and the other birds hating the one colourful one because its different.