PHE 9 core competency reflection

Here is my artifact/evidence:

Here is my Core Competency Reflection:

I chose to reflect on “My Personal Health and Wellness Plan” because I feel that I took the most time to deeply think and reflect about my life and what new things I could do to benefit my life in the future. That’s why I’ve chosen my categories as, personal awareness and critical thinking. I feel that they suit my “My Personal Health and Wellness Plan” the best. While ding the reflection I took a lot of time to plan out my paragraphs before actually writing it so that I could find the best way to make my life better and reflect on some ways that I’ve used those strategies in my past. I also got quite personal in my paragraphs by talking about my home-life, and past experiences. I’m still using the ways I found in my plan to help me with my mental health and how to deal with stress etc. I’m very happy with how it overall turned out and it still helps me to this day and I’m sure will continue to do so.