Week 16 in Pre Calc 11

This week, we started a new chapter which is Trigonometry! Last year in grade 10 during Trig, I did really well during the unit and for the unit test but when it came to the mid term, when trigonometry appeared, I had somehow completely forgotten the entire unit and how to do it all so I did pretty horrible on that part of the mid term, so this year when trigonometry was brought back, I was definitely a bit scared for if i would be successful and that definitely didnt help me to learn it.

But now that we’ve spent more time on it, i definitely feel more comfortable but I’m still not 100% there so i will most certainly be discussing it all with my tutor this weekend. It was also very interesting to learn how all of those triangles we’ve been working on since trig started have actually been on a graph this whole time and that makes so much more sense to me and has helped me fully understand the concept as a whole better aswell.

After my tutoring session, i’ve understood a lot more from this past week of mathematics. I had completely forgot how to truly find the angle or the length of a side by using the (Sin O = -3/7) type of equation, and the way you would do this is by moving the (Sin) over to the other side of the equal sign which turns it into (O = Sin^-1 (-3/7) which will equal to the degree you are looking for. I know that is last year’s work, but i had forgotten how to do it and you simply cannot build off last year without this peice of it.

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