Paper Mache 1

I’ve decided that for my project I was gonna make a paper mache elephant because they’ve always been a big part of my life because ever since i was young, i would always love elephants because the word elephant starts with an “E” and my name also starts with an E and when i was young that was enough for some reason to be my favorite animal! Then as I got older, I got very interested in how hunters would kill such a beautiful and for the most part peaceful animals for it’s tusk alone! It baffled me how another human could be that cruel, and when I learned how many different elephant species were going extinct it caused a great internal panic that had me very stressed for along time even though I would probably never even get to see one of those amazing animals in person. So I’ve decided to make an elephant head, for my award but not give it tusks because without reading all this, no one would even think about how the tusks are missing and that proves a definite point. We as humans are so used to seeing animal abuse/cruelty that we’ve subconsciously normalized it. My award will be for “#1 elephant lover” and it’ll be a solid metallic shiny grey color (to look as though it’s made of pure silver) with a thick clay base and a thin stick that connects to a medium sized elephant head with no tusks. The thinnis of the stick connecting the clay to the head will also reflect on how they’re a dying species so it can almost look like the thin malnourished body/spine of an elephant. I have accidentally deleted the pictures i took of me making the award but i started by making the head, trunk, and ears seperately out of crumpled newspaper, then i attached it all together with tape and began putting the newspaper strips on making sure to keep it smooth. I made the clay base and left it to dry for a couple days and used a chopstick to connect the base to the head.

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