Monster Mug Final Product

At first I found this project very difficult because of the handle situation but when i re-did it, i used what I had previously learned with my failed mug, and it was quite easy!

During this project I learned how to make the handle thick enough for it to not break when it dried out, but to make it not so thick that it doesn’t hold when i attach it to the cup itself.

If i did this project again i would probably add arms with clay just like i did the legs!

The glaze came out great with no bubbles or cracks and it’s completely water-tight and doesnt have any painting mishaps like spoltchy underglaze or lazy looking lines or bleeding. I’m very pleased with how this mug turned out and also love the size of it because I needed a new mug that was slightly bigger because I accidentally shattered the one i normally use at home! It was the perfect time to make this mug.

The handle has also turned out great! It’s super strong and is most definitely not coming off which shows how much I’ve learned from my first attempt at the monster mug project where the handle dried and cracked and completely broke. Here’s some pictures of the final product!


Title of Artwork: Ed
Date: May-June 2022
Medium: Ceramics (Clay)
Artist Name: Emma Barkley

Update: I took the mug home and have been using it for the past week and i love it!!! It’s now become my favorite mug and I’m so glad I left the leg off, it gives Ed (the monster on my mug) so much more character! It’s also so easy to clean and it’s also very smooth so it feels great to drink out of!



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