Sgraffito 2

I’ve drawn out my plan for what to do with my tile. Me and the girl at the end of my table row are gonna connect tiles, probably through some part of one of my flowers going over to her tile at the corner of mine. I plan on having the white tulips like I planned before, but instead of having them closed like you would normally see them, I’ve decided to draw them open, because then even though it’s the same flower it appears differently and people may think it’s something else, which represents the way that people saw the person that this piece is about vs how he truly was. It also shows growing and change which represents the healing and grief process i went through in this past year to accept what happened. I’m also going to add water droplets in the background which are meant to be tears coming down and even though they’re tears and it’s sad, the tears help grow the tulips so everything comes full circle and even the darkest of situations have a silver linning.

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