Monster Mug 1

Within a weeks time I’ve done a lot with my monster mug…

First, I made a mug but when i left it overnight it fell (I’m sharing a cubby with 2 other people and one of them accidentally knocked it over when they were taking out their stuff) and it smushed and almost cracked because I made the paper towels too moist when I left it overnight so It basically smushed all together. So I decided that since it’s still good clay and the current mug I had didn’t work anymore, I would make a new mug! So I did and it worked great, but it was the day before spring break and so I had to get it done ver quickly and wasnt able to get the handle on very well, and I feel like its much too thin to survive much longer. Hopefully a miracle will happen and when I come back from break the handle will be intact and well attached but I sadly dont have high hopes for it.

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