Week 12 in Math 10

This week I learned how to figure out wether or not the slope of a line is positive or negative based off of how it looks!

If a line is horizontal it’s slope (m)=0, and if a line is vertical it’s slope (m)=undefined.

If a line (going from the left side to the right side of the graph) is going downwards like a slide it’s slope (m) is negative, and if it’s going up (like a hill) it’s a positive (m) slope.

The reason why it’s negative is because slope =y/x and when one value is negative and the other value is positive the whole equation is therfore negative and on a downwards (like a slide) slope, the y is negative and the x is positive because you could have a grpah that has a slope(m) of (-3/2) and it would obviously have a negative slope and be going downwards.

And a positive slope you would have to go up (for example) 3 times and go to the right 2 times which would make it a positive slope that goes upwards (like a hill) so the slope (m)=3/2.

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