Week 1 Math 10

This week I learned a lot but the most interesting thing I learned was probably a way to figure out if a number is divisible by a different number. So for example to figure out if the number 234 is divisible by 3 you add all the numbers together (2+3+4=9) and if the answer is divisible by 3 so is the original number. So in the case of 234 it is divisible by 3 because 2+3+4=9, and 9 is 3 x 3.

There`s also a trick for 9 that`s very similar. If you take 234 again and once again addition 2+3+4=9, since 9 is divisible by 9, 234 is also divisible by 9.

The last one is for number 6. If you take the number 534 and you want to figure out if you can divide it by 6, you have to see if the rule for 2 (ends in an even number) and the rule for 3 (5+3+4=12) works. And if it does (which in the case of 534 it does) then the original number can be divided by 6.

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