Wonder Project

Can black holes transport you to another place in the universe?

Have you ever heard people talk about portals thru space like wormholes or white holes. Well there is this big theory all about black holes and wormholes being able to transport objects or people from one point to another. Black holes suck everything around them in and wormholes are short cuts thru space-time. We know a lot about black holes since we know they exist but wormholes on the other hand we don’t have as much information on since we haven’t found one yet. So the existence of wormholes is all theory but some scientists have tried to find ways to make them plausible. I don’t think you could go to other universes or locations within our own by using black holes. This would imply that the black hole would contain a wormhole that would be used as a short cut. I believe black holes don’t have wormholes inside them since nothing can escape a black hole, wormholes require unusual materials, we don’t have the technology, and things aren’t randomly appearing in space.

Argument 1: Nothing can escape a black hole

Black holes are places where enormous amounts of matter are shoved into a tiny area. Nothing is able to escape a black hole (not even light) since it sucks everything around it towards its centre. The horizon of a black hole is known as the point of no return since that’s when the pull is faster than light. Nothing is able to move faster than the speed of light which is the reason you can’t return once you cross that point. The mass is too strong and if anything was to go to the middle of the black hole then spagetfication would happen. Which is basically where the black hole pulls each atom of the object apart until it gets crushed into nothingness. The black hole takes all the objects matter and uses it to make it bigger, which is how they grow. The gravitational pull at the centre of a black hole is too strong to let anything back out once something is sucked into it. So if black holes destroy anything that come in contact with them then there is no way that we would be able to go thru the centre thru a wormhole without being taken apart atom by atom before getting thru to the other side. Maybe there could be wormholes that are on there own that are separate to black holes. This brings me to my second argument.

Argument 2: Wormholes require unusual materials

Wormholes come with the predicted theory of general relativity which was made by Albert Einstein. This theory uses gravity as a curving or warping of space having the bigger a object the more it wraps the space around it. It was a Physicist Nathan Rosen who used this theory to propose the existence of bridges. These bridges would connect different points in space time like wormholes. For worm holes to even be plausible they need exotic matter. Which is a matter that contains negative energy density and a large negative pressure. Exotic matter isn’t something we have came across of yet meaning it might not even exist making the existence of wormholes slim. Why do wormholes need exotic matter? Well in a wormhole there is something called a throat between the wormhole’s entrance and exit and they require exotic matter to function. For the wormholes throat to not collapse on itself it needs exotic matter to stabilize it. If exotic matter wasn’t used then the throat would open for a short period of time then collapse and open again. This means human travel would be very difficult since you could easily get suck in a wormhole if it constantly closes and collapses on it self. You would end up getting caught and crushed as the bridge pinches off. The thing with exotic matter is that it violates all energy conditions meaning its existence leans more on the difficult side. Physicist Kip Thorne says “wormholes that a human could travel through are forbidden by the law of physics.” So the fact that we haven’t even discovered exotic matter and that it would violate energy conditions leads me to think it doesn’t exist making wormholes not exist.

Argument 3: We don’t have the technology

We know that black holes exist but the existence of wormholes is all theory. If we wanted to look into and research if wormholes are out there its going to be pretty though. One reason to this is that the entrance of a wormhole looks just like a black hole. It would really suck to think your going into a wormhole and it turns out to be a black hole waiting to kill you. This means we would need some type of technology to distinguish them but if we haven’t even found a wormhole then we can’t come up with this technology. If wormholes were a thing scientist have found that they would be extremely small. Even smaller than an atom. These wormholes would be way to small for human travel meaning if we wanted to use them, we would have to enlarge them. And if we can enlarge them there is also the thought that we could artificially make them. The thing is to make a wormhole or enlarge one it would require us to manipulate tremendous quantities of matter. This would be planet loads of mass which is not something humankind can do with the technology we have, nor will we realistically acquire that type of technology at all. And if we did have the technology to manipulate a wormhole that means we could come to the dangers of accidentally turning it into a black hole. It wouldn’t be great if we tried manipulating wormholes and they just became black holes since we would then have more black holes around us causing the danger of one being made too close to our earth destroy us in its path. If we were to think that some black holes have wormholes inside them we wouldn’t even be able to figure it out since as i already said they destroy anything in there path. We would need some really strong technology that could withstand the centre of a black hole that could let us know what’s inside one of them. If we were able to find this technology we would then be able to see if it gets transported to another place in space but that’s way to hypothetical. Our technology is advancing but will not get to that point in advancement for many many decades if ever meaning wormholes most likely don’t exit and if they did we wouldn’t be able to us them.

Argument 4: Things aren’t randomly appearing

You would think that if wormholes did exist wouldn’t things be appearing and disappearing out of nowhere. Well why isn’t that happening? We haven’t been able to observe stuff coming out of nowhere meaning we aren’t even close to someday finding them if we haven’t been able to find any evidence at all that they exist in space yet.

Concluding my findings:

I had a lot of fun learning all about black holes and wormholes while also making up my mind on what i think is possible. With what I’ve learned about black holes and wormholes, I think it’s impossible for a black hole to contain a wormhole let alone a wormhole be possible. There is just to much to back up my point of them being impossible like how black holes destroy everything, wormholes would need exotic matter, we don’t have technology for them, and we don’t have things randomly appearing. This is just my opinion since scientist truly don’t know wether wormhole exist or not and if they are in black holes. If we wanted to create or locate one, we would require far more sophisticated technology, which would not be possible during my lifetime.

3 thoughts on “Wonder Project

  1. I found your information quite interesting about black holes and how that you think that worm holes cannot exist inside of them.

  2. I found this post very interesting and confusing at the same time, but your explinations helped me better understand how wormholes work. The interactive photo was also very fun and interesting.

  3. I’ve always been fascinated by space and science fiction. It is therefore interesting to read a little more about wormholes and black holes. The gravitational pull of a black hole is fascinating and also a little scary. A fun read though.

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