April 13

Information Fluency

Danika and I have a common interest in music, with that being discovered we chose to research a substance in record discs. We chose to overlook how it works and how it is made.

50 Pack Vinyl Records for Crafting LP Albums: Amazon.ca: Camera & Photo

These are some of the important questions we wanted to ask ourselves:

  1. How was it created?

In 1888 a man named Emelie Berliner created Vinyl. Originally he had created the records out of recycled plastic founded in his own house. A process as simple as melting and molding the plastic was taken to create the vinyl records, at the time.

3 Ways to Melt Plastic - wikiHow

” Vinyl is made from a series of processing steps that converts raw materials (petroleum, natural gas or coal) into unique synthetic products called polymers” – Emelie Berliner

2. What is Vinyl used for?

Vinyl is the third most utilized plastic on the planet. It is particularly used in long help life solid items. Most of the time Vinyl is used to create pipes and tubing for houses/buildings, the reason for that is that it is very durable. It is very well trusted by many real estate industries because of its durability and stability.

Vinyl Institute on Twitter: "Vinyl pipe offers unsurpassed reliability and  durability. Whether delivering clean water or removing wastewater, vinyl  pipes can safely handle hot and cold water. https://t.co/FkJWL5ZAFU…  https://t.co/4TJTCkgodt"

3. What makes Vinyl so durable?

My main concern while researching this substance was that it is used for pipes and tubing for house/buildings. All in all it really is just plastic so the concern I have is not irrelevant. To have the plastic being melted repeatedly and put into a thin mold, it makes me question how it really is as durable as it seems.

Vinyl records are popular again, and here's how they're made - CNET

4. Other things about Vinyl:

Common uses: pipes and tubing for houses/buildings

boiling point: 360-368 degrees F

melting point: 160-175 degrees F

state in room temperature: it is put in a glassy state and is put in a special case because it can easily change into a rubber substance.

Color: Vinyl records are all made of PVC, which has no coloring although it appears white.

Interesting characteristics: It is created to be useful, durable and long lasting for making home and hardware equipment.

5. Mr. Robinson’s Questions:

  1. Danika and I were required to research 3/3 of the questions we had about Vinyl.
  2. We researched and evaluated the information we found, then took the information and created the 3 questions
  3. In my opinion Danika and I could have put more information and used more details in our work and research.





March 18

Core Competency

“How will your newly acquired Health 9 knowledge benefit you in the future?”

Health 9 believe it or not has taught me a lot about how to view life and how to benefit from the doubt. Going into this class I thought that I would not learn anything I could not ask Google but then again, I was wrong. I learnt how to deal with certain life and mental health situations and in the end not to resort to the wrongfully obvious. Knowing that information, I will grow mentally and better my mentality, slowly but surely healthy. I learnt that not all relationships and friendships are going to be healthy nor good for you, knowing and acknowledging the difference between healthy and toxic is hard but that is what I have learnt throughout the last couple of weeks. I have recently ended a toxic friendship and I have not been happier, that is what health 9 has taught me. it has taught me to put myself before others because it is my life and I choose how I want my story to start and end. The final thing I have learnt throughout health 9 is to not eat at McDonalds everyday. Thank you for the last piece of valuable information.

Category: PE 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 22

Monologue Video – “Ty’s first impressions in a new classroom”

My name is Tyron Johnson, I live on the hood side of New York. I have been dealing with my dad for his business since I was 9 years old. My dad is in prison right now and I have been taking over the business. My mom does not know what I do and there is no way in hell she will ever find out. she has too much to deal with already with my dad, I do not need to add to it. I am the man of the house while he is gone, making money from dealing to provide for both me and my mom is my job now, which means girlfriends are not an option; I have to stay focused. I hope I am making my dad proud because it is not just a business, it is a survival. I start at a new school today. alternative school, sounds fun doesn’t it? The only thing getting me through the first class are these two girls. Walking into the classroom there was two girls that caught my eye, Kristina uncrossing and crossing her legs giving me a view of her underwear and smirking at me, I could tell she was a total nympho (nymphomania). When I look to the right there was this other really cute girl, nothing like Kristina that is a fact. She rolled her eyes at me and looked at me as if she were telling me I interrupted the class and to wipe my stupid smirk off and to sit my ass down. I do not now her name, but She seems like a challenge, I like her. I need to keep my mind focused on the business, I can not get distracted by a girl nor can I get involved in the girlfriend/boyfriend situations, that shit takes up all your attention and time and I can not afford that.


WARNING: talking using slang, and coarse language

Avatar Reflection:

To create my monologue, I took information and signs from the book that where stated either before or after the scene I chose. I gathered information from his emotions towards relationships and linking them with the business. I chose the scene where Ty walks in his new classroom for the first time, drawing his eyes to two different girls. I chose this scene because it gave examples of guys having emotion and how they think and or portrait women/girls physically and mentally. Ty was the perfect choice in this situation, him now having two important aspects of his life being Alyse and the business, how will he handle both; will he be forced to choose one or the other. Having no difficulties during the making of my monologue made it more enjoyable.