January 22

Monologue Video – “Ty’s first impressions in a new classroom”

My name is Tyron Johnson, I live on the hood side of New York. I have been dealing with my dad for his business since I was 9 years old. My dad is in prison right now and I have been taking over the business. My mom does not know what I do and there is no way in hell she will ever find out. she has too much to deal with already with my dad, I do not need to add to it. I am the man of the house while he is gone, making money from dealing to provide for both me and my mom is my job now, which means girlfriends are not an option; I have to stay focused. I hope I am making my dad proud because it is not just a business, it is a survival. I start at a new school today. alternative school, sounds fun doesn’t it? The only thing getting me through the first class are these two girls. Walking into the classroom there was two girls that caught my eye, Kristina uncrossing and crossing her legs giving me a view of her underwear and smirking at me, I could tell she was a total nympho (nymphomania). When I look to the right there was this other really cute girl, nothing like Kristina that is a fact. She rolled her eyes at me and looked at me as if she were telling me I interrupted the class and to wipe my stupid smirk off and to sit my ass down. I do not now her name, but She seems like a challenge, I like her. I need to keep my mind focused on the business, I can not get distracted by a girl nor can I get involved in the girlfriend/boyfriend situations, that shit takes up all your attention and time and I can not afford that.


WARNING: talking using slang, and coarse language

Avatar Reflection:

To create my monologue, I took information and signs from the book that where stated either before or after the scene I chose. I gathered information from his emotions towards relationships and linking them with the business. I chose the scene where Ty walks in his new classroom for the first time, drawing his eyes to two different girls. I chose this scene because it gave examples of guys having emotion and how they think and or portrait women/girls physically and mentally. Ty was the perfect choice in this situation, him now having two important aspects of his life being Alyse and the business, how will he handle both; will he be forced to choose one or the other. Having no difficulties during the making of my monologue made it more enjoyable.


Posted January 22, 2021 by Elora in category English 9

1 thoughts on “Monologue Video – “Ty’s first impressions in a new classroom”

  1. bbarazzuol

    Thank you for posting your avatar project project onto your Edublog for COL and English 9. The following are my observations regarding your assignment from a technological point of view:

    – Properly embedded media on Edublog (embed code for speaking avatar or images)
    – Includes all of the posting elements (title, tag, category, monologue text)
    – Use of technology through blabberize.com is completed, and quality is good
    – Sound quality of speaking avatar is good
    – A sentence or two to explain the project and the context of this monologue would have been very helpful for the audience of this post.

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher


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