HCE 9 – English Write

“Birds on a Wire” – created by Banksy

Explanatory Paragraph:

When looking at this picture, I believe it represents protests that sadly happen quite frequently for various reasons, but in this particular image, it seems that they are going against “different” people, from moving in or visiting a different country. A believe racism plays a big part in this message and how if you have a different race, you don’t belong. In this image, the author used birds on a wire, holding posters that are often used during protests with humans. The author is using the birds as a creative way of showing what really happens but through a different perspective still with the same idea. The posters hold strong meaning as well, in one of them, the poster says, “keep off our worms” and I believe this has a deeper meaning with how humans say the same things but not about the worms. It could be about land, about food etc. I also noticed the different colours the author used which makes a big difference in how you view this image, I can see that the bird on the right is colourful as for the birds on the left are all the same with no colour apart from darker shades. This whole image negatively represents inclusivity, respect and collaboration. The birds representing the people were completely disrespectful when not allowing another bird to enter just because they weren’t the same as them or they didn’t fit their invisible standards. This goes along with inclusivity and how they are not including others and letting them enter their land or where they live. With collaboration, the birds could all work together to be inclusive and teach the others respect, just like what humans should start to do, but instead, they are continuing to go against each other and not have an open mind to accepting others. 

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