We were tasked to create a Sway presentation to address a local energy issue. My group chose to research the Site C Dam.
Letter to the Honourable George Hayman:
Dear Honourable George Heyman,
We are writing to you because we have some concerns with the construction of the Site C Dam. While we understand that the dam’s purpose is a positive one, providing clean energy for BC, we cannot ignore the many negative effects of the dam on the surrounding environment and people. First and foremost, the toll that the dam’s construction is taking on the land and wildlife in the local vicinity of the dam is a great one. The dam is going to flood 5,550 hectares of viable farmland, in addition to threatening more than 100 endangered species. Along with these adverse effects on the environment, the Site C Dam is very costly. In fact, it is the costliest publicly funded infrastructure project in BC history.
As you can see, without even mentioning all the indigenous issues, the Site C Dam has many downsides. We realize that the dam is too far past the point where the construction can be stopped, so we write to you not to ask to halt the construction, but to inquire about what you are going to do to address these negative effects.
We appreciate you taking the time to read the letter voicing our concerns,
-Ellie Gibson and Kailyn Houghton
1) What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?
To gain a full understanding of the Site C Dam and all of the concerns surrounding it, we had to ask: What is the Site C dam?; What is the dam’s purpose/goal?; Why is it controversial?; How much land will the dam flood?; What are the Indigenous issues with the dam?; What are the pros?; and What are the cons?
2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?
Some digital tools that I used were Google, Gale, Sway, and Citation Machine. We got our Creative Commons pictures directly through Sway or Google. I have used Google for research quite a bit, but Citation Machine and Gale are both more recent. I have never used Sway for a presentation before.
3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?
The process of my investigation was to come up with a question, think about it, and look at multiple credible sources to gain as much of an unbiased understanding as I could. I cited the information that I found by using Citation Machine.
4) How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?
I enjoyed this challenge because it allowed me to go into depth into a topic that I have been wondering about for a while. I also got to look into different perspectives and how there are biases depending on where information comes from. This challenge went well because it gave me the opportunity to use digital tools that I might not have thought to use otherwise. Something that I could have done better was to find a better way to organize my information. Sometimes it was hard to find what I was looking for. Next time, I could try using tables to organize my notes.
Personal Connection:
I have a personal connection to the Site C Dam. My grandparents used to live in Fort St. John and when my sister and I were younger, we visited the Peace River. This is a picture of me and my grandfather looking at the river and me at another dam on the same river.