Midterm Self Assessment and Goal-Setting

Content Strengths and Weaknesses:

My strength in the reaction kinetics unit was that I was an active participant in the whiteboard activities. This made it easier for me to apply my knowledge when the test happened, as I had had practice with application questions already. My weakness and something that I could work on was seeking help when I had questions. Although I asked questions eventually, seeking help right away when I did not understand something would have made this unit much more straightforward.

My strength in the equilibrium unit was that I did well working in groups in labs. I was able to be an active group member, and this allowed me to increase my learning significantly. I was able to see real-life scenarios of the formula questions and being active in the group allowed me to fully understand what was happening. My weakness in this unit was not completing all the extra practice that was offered until the rewrite. Had I completed the extra studying questions, I may have gotten a better grade initially and not had to do a rewrite of this test.

My strength in the solutions unit was being engaged and asking questions when I had them right away. Rather than waiting to ask my questions, I asked them right away so that I could ensure that I had the correct understanding of certain parts of the unit. My weakness in this unit was that I was away for many of the lessons due to vacation and competition, and I should have gone in to see what I missed, rather than filling in the blanks on the notes and leaving my learning there. In the future, I will fill in the notes and watch videos on the lessons that I have missed, as I believe that will help me to increase my learning significantly.

A&P12 Goal Setting

Which of your suggested growth areas are you going to work on improving? How?

I am going to improve my study habits and strategies because it will benefit me in the future and in university. I will try different ways of studying in order to find my ideal learning methods. I will also keep myself accountable with planning and charts. This will help me keep on track and as I move out to go to university, will be a good habit. Starting this will allow me to start a good habit and continue it for my future learning. I will also try different ways of understanding and memorization. I can do this by creating my own cue cards to fully understand what I am writing down. This will be a good strategy for my future courses in my learning.

Tech Team Quarter 1 Reflection

Something that I have learned while being a part of the Tech Team this semester was that we have many different tools that are available for anyone to use in the Maker Space. I have learned how to use the Circut and the 3D printer, two of the tools in the Maker Space. Something I have been involved in with school so far is the presentation that we put together for the streams called Apps and Alternatives. Something that I have been successful in was presenting to a stream about tools that student can have on their devices to make their school lives easier. One aspect of my work that was challenging was presenting the PowerPoint to stream, as it took courage for me to do that. I was successful in presenting it, and overall, it went very well. Something that I can improve on is speaking more in meetings, which may take time, but I can remind myself to make sure that if I have an opinion, it is heard.

Circle Talk

I learned that each person has a variety of their own experiences and that some people may have similar experiences. This was shown through people sharing their ancestry and the people that they honour. Another thing that I learned was that we each have stories passed down from our parents, grandparents, or other important people in our lives. The things that we learn from these stories can influence how we see the world and others around us. Having this circle talk showed me that everyone has someone in their life that they look up to and honour. This was a great way to see that each person feels a connection to someone in their life. I think that this is important because having someone that you trust and feel comfortable with can help to not feel alone. When going through hard times, it was nice to hear that almost everyone had a person in their lives that they could go to in order to be comforted and feel safe.

PHE 9 Core Competency

I have shown social responsibility when making a role-play video with two of my classmates. I had to show social responsibility while doing this project because I had to ensure that everyone in my group knew what we were doing and was participating. Having social responsibility in a class setting, especially in a group project, is very important. Being socially responsible is an important part of being a good member of society. I show social responsibility outside of the classroom by being a good person to my society, from helping my family with jobs to cleaning trails around my house. I show social responsibility in gym class by making sure that everyone is involved, as I know that it is important to include those around you. Social responsibility is an important part of being an active member of society.