Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes and Self Reflection

Paper Airplane Experiment

I chose to do the same paper airplane design, on three different sizes of paper. The results are as follows:

Plane #1 (11×17) had an average distance of 2.074m

Plane #2 (11×8) had an average distance of 1.418m

Plane #3 (8×5.5) had an average distance of 5.618m

The hypothesis, if I use a larger piece of paper then the airplane will fly farther because of the weight of the plane, is rejected. The data shows that the smallest plane flew the farther, rather than the largest plane as I thought. The results of this investigation are useful because if I want to make a paper airplane in the future or for a future experiment, I now know how to control the distance. I can do this by using a smaller piece of paper to create a smaller plane, as the one that went the farthest in this experiment. This investigation can be improved on by perhaps making different designs, rather than different sizes of paper, in order to see if it is the design or the size of the paper that allowed the smallest plane to fly the farthest. One question that could be taken into consideration is how to calculate and consider human error that may have occurred.

I learned that there is some human error that can occur, although the same person threw all of the planes, it is not possible to throw it the same way every time. I also learned that it can be difficult to throw the plane perfectly straight, and that could have been the design that was chosen, or human error. Next time I would try using the same size of paper and different designs, to definitively see if it was the design that I chose or the size of paper that created the results.

Scientific Method Reflection

Core Competency Critical Thinking

How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?

In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?

The paper airplane experiment shows growth in my thinking skills because I had to determine what may cause certain things to happen within my experiment and eliminate anything that may have interfered. I also had to determine what the results of the experiment meant, as well as finding that my hypothesis was incorrect and determining the results of the experiment. I can further my thinking competencies by continuing to use critical thinking during and after experiments and projects, as well as picking apart any variables that may have caused the experiment to be flawed, such as human error.

English 10 Honours Core Competency Reflection

Creative Writing Reflections


How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies? In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?

“I can” Statements

“I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area of interest or passion.” I was able to do this with my creative writing project, the first chapter of a novel. I was interested in creating a lead into a fantasy world, so that is what I did. I have found that the first chapters of books can sometimes over explain and over complicate the situation that the main character is in. I wanted something different, so that was what I created. It took some trial and error to create the correct balance of not over complicating and not making my work too simple. In the end, I was able to develop a piece of creative writing that I am proud of. I think that I was able to further my understanding of this competency because of my work in creative writing.

“I am flexible and open-minded; I can explain more than one perspective and consider implications.” I was able to do this during this course when we had our debate over whether ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ should be taught at school. I was on the opposite side that I supported, it should not be taught, and had to expand my thinking and step into a different pair of shoes to debate the side I was given. I was able to explain the perspective of a choice that I did not agree with and did so with confidence. I think that I was able to become more open-minded to considering different views, but I can work on being able to fully explain other’s perspectives of situations and opinions.


Critical Thinking

While doing this creative writing project, I was able to think critically about creativity, and what that means for me. My thoughts around creative writing have changed from when I started this project. Before, I often found myself thinking that creative writing was solely short stories and books. Throughout this project, I realized that creative writing means something different to everyone, whether that is short stories, poems, or even plays. Doing this creative writing project as also made me think more critically about my own creative process. While I can create an excellent, calming space for writing, I find that I can tend to force that creativity when I do not have a long time to work on something. This can cause me to become unproductive, as I am trying to force something. In the future, I will try to focus on if I am in the mood to do a large amount of writing, or just a small amount. This can help me to avoid a writers block and feel more motivated to create something that I am proud of.


Creative Thinking

My creative ideas come from experiences that I have had in the past, places that I have been, and the people around me. For example, the colors I chose for the title cover of my chapter are purposeful, as I thought back to when I was in Mexico, and movies I have seen that take place in Mexico. Common colors that I have seen are bright pinks, oranges, and blues. I have always gotten ideas for creative projects from my environment, and this class has only secured that. I have experienced writers block more than once, and it can be a difficult thing to overcome. One way that I tend to help deal with a block is stepping away from the project, whether that is for a few minutes, hours, or even days, if time allows it. I have found that stepping away from the project can help me to see my own idea from a different perspective. I overcome other obstacles, such as self-doubt, by taking a portion that I do not feel as good about and trying to take it in a different direction. I have found that this helps me to discover new ideas and feel more confident in myself and what I can create.

PHE 9 Core Competency

I have shown social responsibility when making a role-play video with two of my classmates. I had to show social responsibility while doing this project because I had to ensure that everyone in my group knew what we were doing and was participating. Having social responsibility in a class setting, especially in a group project, is very important. Being socially responsible is an important part of being a good member of society. I show social responsibility outside of the classroom by being a good person to my society, from helping my family with jobs to cleaning trails around my house. I show social responsibility in gym class by making sure that everyone is involved, as I know that it is important to include those around you. Social responsibility is an important part of being an active member of society.  

English Honours 9 Core Competency

I can show critical thinking through my journal entries for group book talks on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. One thing that demonstrates my ability to think critically is needing to analyze each chapter that I read, as I needed to find different hidden or double meanings. I also showed critical thinking when I had to pick apart each character and figure out why they might have done what they did. Something that I can improve on is not looking into every little detail, as sometimes events do not happen for any specific reason, which I found happened every so often. One way that I can expand my critical thinking skills is by thinking about a different point of view when analyzing anything, whether it is an article or a novel.

In-class Write and Story Process Core Competency self-assessment


I am an active listener and can respond to simple, direct questions. 

When we were listening to Signora Durand tell the story of Richard Gere Impara Ballare il Tango, I showed that I was listening by actively engaging when she asked us questions. Another way that I show I am actively engaged and listening is by answering questions with the class when Signora Durand asks us. I know that if I do this, it will help me to understand the language faster, and keep the phrases in my brain longer. 

I can present information clearly and in an organized way. 

When writing my third story in class, I felt like I could piece different vocabulary together much easier than during previous writings. I also found that I was using my skills from the verbathon, as I was trying to remember what conjugations went with the correct tense. I am very proud of myself for being able to utilize my knowledge from previous lessons and stories we have done. At the beginning of term, I never would have thought that I would be able to write a full story in Italian without any references in only a month. One thing that I would do differently would be choosing different vocabulary throughout the story, as I tend to use things that I already know in Italian. 

I can recount simple experiences and activities and tell something I learned. 

Being an active participant during the storytelling sessions with the class and Signora Durand has helped me to complete the in-class write much easier and more efficiently. Actively participating had also helped me to learn new vocabulary that I can recognize in other stories or songs. When doing my in-class write, having done a lot of stories with the class really helped me to complete the story.