Cheek Cell Lab

I think that the best way to break apart cell membrane would be dish soap or alcohol. This is because I used dish soap on my cheek cells and could see, through the microscope, that my cheek cells looked more degraded and broken apart. When we used acid, we could no longer find any cells at all, therefore I would not use it to break apart the membrane. In the test tube lab, I saw that the alcohol separated DNA strands and made it possible to remove them in long strings. In my opinion, the dish soap was more effective for me being able to see where the cell membrane had degraded, and the alcohol was effective for removing DNA and seeing it separately from water and salt.

Something that I found interesting about the labs was during the test tube lab, we were able to see strands of DNA, without having to use a microscope of any sort. This was not something that I had ever done or seen before, so that was a new experience. During the cheek cell lab with microscopes, I found being able to see my own cells up close and with such definition was interesting. I also enjoyed that we were able to clearly see the membrane and nucleus of most of the cells.