Lesson 6.1 Equivalent Rational Expressions

When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are integers, the fraction is a rational number.

When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are polynomials, the fraction is a rational expression.

  • A rational expression is an algebraic expression that can be written as the quotient of two polynomials

Rational expressions are not defined for values of the variable that make the denominator 0. These values are called non-permissible values.

Lesson 6.2 – Multiplying and dividing rational expressions

The strategies for multiplying and dividing rational numbers can be used to multiply and divide rational expressions. All non-permissible values of each expression being multiplied or divided must be stated.

Lesson 6.3 – Adding RE with monomial denominators

The strategies for adding and subtracting rational expressions: written the expressions with a common denominator, then add or subtract the numerators. Identify non=-permissible values of the variables

Lesson 6.4 – Adding RE with polynomial denominators

The strategies for adding and subtracting rational expressions with monomial denominators can be used to add and subtract rational expressions with binomial and trinomial denominator.