Q4 Reflection

This last semester has been a crazy one at most. A lot has happened and a whole lot of time has been lost to homework. I have volunteered regularly Monday’s and Wednesdays in the Wave and I have helped numerous people.  I have had to trouble shoot different problems some of which required complex solutions.

I have learned how to cold restart an iPhone and how to not dial 911 in the process. I am very strong in communication and I am very good at interacting positively with people I know and don’t.

Me and a fellow Tech team member spent the majority of  one of our lunch’s helping a person who’s iPhone froze. After a some time we were able to trouble shoot the problem by doing a cold restart of the phone.

Looking ahead I want to try and settle my beef I have with the school 3d printers. After i purchased a printer of my own the school printers feel like I cheated on my and have decided to try and make my life as painful as possible. (IT WAS JUST A SIMPLE WHEEL) I hope to be able to use the school printers for more school related projects as filament is quite expensive and I lack income.



Tech Team Semester 1 Reflection

For my first year in Tech Team I have had lots of interesting experiences, from helping people with computer issues all the way to crying myself to sleep because I could not get the 3d printer to print A cylinder.

I have tried my best to help out as much as I can within the time I have. But nevertheless in this day an age most kids know their way around a computer better than you would expect, due to this I have successfully helped a grand total of 7 people (wow! So many) I have done my best to help whoever stops by the desk but I guess fortunately/unfortunately nobody seems to have tech problems while I am around.

You can find me on Mondays and Wednesday at the Tech Team desk and I do my best to help out outside of that. The other things I done for tech team are:

  1. The Grade 9 Initiation day
  2. Helping set up for the spirt assembly

Here is Photo evidence of me at the grade 9 initiation day:

Unfortunately this is the only photo I have to prove I was even in tech team so you are going to have to just trust me.

As far as feedback goes I have no suggestions. The systems works well for me.

I have learned much over my time in Tech Team such as:

  1.  How to cold restart an acer laptop
  2. How to use the cricket
  3. How to level the 3d printers

One of the challenges I have faced is that the 3d printers hate me and refuse to work properly when I am around. One of my Aha moments was when I got a teachers frozen laptop to work.

I believe I could improve on my general knowledge of how a mac book works as I have only ever owned an acer laptop and macs scare me. I believe that I could help out some of the clubs I am a part in when it comes to things revolving the makerspace.



Tech Team Quarter 1 Reflection

Here is my quarterly reflection!

I have done a lot over the semester, I show up to volunteer for tech team every Monday and Wednesdays since September. I also volunteered at the KidSport used sports equipment sale.

I volunteered for a total of three hours.

I have learned how to use the new 3d printer at school. I was accustomed to the old type of 3d printer and I was unaware of how to use the new ones. But after some trial and error I got it working. My strengths are defiantly on the computer, I have to deal with almost daily tech issues involving my computer (its on its last life) I have grown to know the in’s and out’s of the windows trouble shooting menu.

Free Laptop with blank screen placed on table Stock Photo

Some challenges I have faced are:

  1. Apple computers. I have a windows computer myself and whenever I am approached by someone with a mac I’m in trouble. luckily for me my friend Oliver has a mac and is also in tech team. This actually happened during this semester, two people were having trouble using the Yeti mics I tried to help them but they had macs, lucky for me Oliver was right next to me so things worked out in the end.
  2. managing my schedule. I have had a lot of homework this semester and have been struggling with it all. But i have been surviving. Free Black Click Pen on White Paper Stock Photo

I can definitely improve on my work ethic. I some times struggle with procrastination (thankfully not as much this semester)

A win for me this semester was when a teacher came in to the wave while I was volunteering. Her computer was completely frozen and nothing seemed to work. after some try’s I got the computer to reboot fixing the problem.

Free Close-up of a Trophy Stock Photo

I want to receive a grade of all A’s by the end of the semester and I have been working tirelessly to achieve this. I also want to help at least 30 people with tech problems.

Something new i want to try is making stickers using the cricket (sorry for misspelling)

That is the end of my reflection.

All images were sourced from pexels.com (except for the kidsport one)