Q4 Reflection

This last semester has been a crazy one at most. A lot has happened and a whole lot of time has been lost to homework. I have volunteered regularly Monday’s and Wednesdays in the Wave and I have helped numerous people.  I have had to trouble shoot different problems some of which required complex solutions.

I have learned how to cold restart an iPhone and how to not dial 911 in the process. I am very strong in communication and I am very good at interacting positively with people I know and don’t.

Me and a fellow Tech team member spent the majority of  one of our lunch’s helping a person who’s iPhone froze. After a some time we were able to trouble shoot the problem by doing a cold restart of the phone.

Looking ahead I want to try and settle my beef I have with the school 3d printers. After i purchased a printer of my own the school printers feel like I cheated on my and have decided to try and make my life as painful as possible. (IT WAS JUST A SIMPLE WHEEL) I hope to be able to use the school printers for more school related projects as filament is quite expensive and I lack income.



AI Critical Thinking

It is important that everyone thinks critically about the usage of artificial intelligence in day to day life.

I choose to evaluate the AI image software “NightCafe”.

“NightCafe” is a free online image generator capable of rendering high quality images at no cost.

Here are some examples of things you can do with “NightCafe”:

astronaut floating in space. before him is a giant piece of cheese
Prompt: Astronaut floating in space. before him is a giant piece of cheese
Walter white consuming cheese
Prompt: Walter white consuming cheese
A Glowing cheese
Prompt: A Glowing cheese

This image generator can generate other things, besides cheese.

(I was hungry whilst writing the prompts)

“NightCafe” is an incredibly useful tool to have in the classroom. With teacher permission it can be used as a way to create custom images for school assignments brining an element of creativity to a possibly bland assignment. That being said “NightCafe” is not always 100% accurate, even looking above at the wonderful cheese images you can see that they differ ever so slightly from their prompts. There have been many a moment where I have spent the better of an hour trying to get “NightCafe” to realize that I want the generated character to sit rather than levitate menacingly. Throughout my countless hours working with “NightCafe” I have never noticed any sort of racial or sexual bias and I doubt “NightCafe” would be capable of expressing any distain for a certain group. After searching around, I found nothing about how “NightCafe” creates its images. I would assume “NightCafe” takes art it finds off the web and melds and warps it creating an amalgam of what was once countless artworks.  The evidence for this resides in the fact that users on “NightCafe” are able to create and program their own models, this requires users to take images off the internet so that the newborn model knows what its images should be like. I personally don’t believe “NightCafe” is inherently malicious or dangerous, sure if used incorrectly “NightCafe” could generate images depicting people in poor taste but that is simply up to the user.

 Benefits & Drawbacks

I believe “NightCafe’s” benefits outweigh its drawbacks by a large margin. When it comes to AI giants like Chat GPT or Dall-E “NightCafe” is probably one of the runts of the litter, but for a free AI service it generates surprisingly high quality images. “NightCafe” has about a 30% success rate when it comes to generating exactly what you want, but when it comes to a free AI image generator “NightCafe” is about the best you can find. There is the possibility of “NightCafe” being used to generate malicious marital such as degrading images of people, but there are countless filters in place and an active moderation team that work to remove all images in poor taste before they are released.

If I every feel the undying need to create an image of cheese “NightCafe” is the first place I would go.

Tech Team Button Creation

Creating this button came with a learning curve as I had to resize the image multiple times and I printed an extra copy due to this issue. After I solved the resizing issue It was time for the Circut. the machine worked very well once I had made an account and gotten it running the rest of the process went smoothly. I had no problems with the button pressing and the other steps.

The hardest part of the project was getting my button the right size as no matter what I did the document refused to change sizes.

The thing that worked the best was designing the actual button logo as it turned out nice.

I have learned how to use the Cricut and I can use this information for future projects and helping out students who are struggling.


Tech Team Semester 1 Reflection

For my first year in Tech Team I have had lots of interesting experiences, from helping people with computer issues all the way to crying myself to sleep because I could not get the 3d printer to print A cylinder.

I have tried my best to help out as much as I can within the time I have. But nevertheless in this day an age most kids know their way around a computer better than you would expect, due to this I have successfully helped a grand total of 7 people (wow! So many) I have done my best to help whoever stops by the desk but I guess fortunately/unfortunately nobody seems to have tech problems while I am around.

You can find me on Mondays and Wednesday at the Tech Team desk and I do my best to help out outside of that. The other things I done for tech team are:

  1. The Grade 9 Initiation day
  2. Helping set up for the spirt assembly

Here is Photo evidence of me at the grade 9 initiation day:

Unfortunately this is the only photo I have to prove I was even in tech team so you are going to have to just trust me.

As far as feedback goes I have no suggestions. The systems works well for me.

I have learned much over my time in Tech Team such as:

  1.  How to cold restart an acer laptop
  2. How to use the cricket
  3. How to level the 3d printers

One of the challenges I have faced is that the 3d printers hate me and refuse to work properly when I am around. One of my Aha moments was when I got a teachers frozen laptop to work.

I believe I could improve on my general knowledge of how a mac book works as I have only ever owned an acer laptop and macs scare me. I believe that I could help out some of the clubs I am a part in when it comes to things revolving the makerspace.



Tech Team Quarter 1 Reflection

Here is my quarterly reflection!

I have done a lot over the semester, I show up to volunteer for tech team every Monday and Wednesdays since September. I also volunteered at the KidSport used sports equipment sale.

I volunteered for a total of three hours.

I have learned how to use the new 3d printer at school. I was accustomed to the old type of 3d printer and I was unaware of how to use the new ones. But after some trial and error I got it working. My strengths are defiantly on the computer, I have to deal with almost daily tech issues involving my computer (its on its last life) I have grown to know the in’s and out’s of the windows trouble shooting menu.

Free Laptop with blank screen placed on table Stock Photo

Some challenges I have faced are:

  1. Apple computers. I have a windows computer myself and whenever I am approached by someone with a mac I’m in trouble. luckily for me my friend Oliver has a mac and is also in tech team. This actually happened during this semester, two people were having trouble using the Yeti mics I tried to help them but they had macs, lucky for me Oliver was right next to me so things worked out in the end.
  2. managing my schedule. I have had a lot of homework this semester and have been struggling with it all. But i have been surviving. Free Black Click Pen on White Paper Stock Photo

I can definitely improve on my work ethic. I some times struggle with procrastination (thankfully not as much this semester)

A win for me this semester was when a teacher came in to the wave while I was volunteering. Her computer was completely frozen and nothing seemed to work. after some try’s I got the computer to reboot fixing the problem.

Free Close-up of a Trophy Stock Photo

I want to receive a grade of all A’s by the end of the semester and I have been working tirelessly to achieve this. I also want to help at least 30 people with tech problems.

Something new i want to try is making stickers using the cricket (sorry for misspelling)

That is the end of my reflection.

All images were sourced from pexels.com (except for the kidsport one)


3D Printer Introduction

I have made a smash bros trophy for the gaming club. I made this because the gaming club regularly hosts tourneys and there is no prize.

My reflection.

The thing that was most challenging for me was making the handles as I needed to draw them my self. This was difficult because my mouse pad is poor at drawing.

The thing that worked best was the actual smash orb. I made it by taking an orb and cutting it with certain sized cubes.

I have done the tutorials so many times in my life. (probably like 7 times now) but today I learned how to cruise model’s.