Digital Footprint

Question 1: How might your digital footprint impact your high school experience?

If you do something negative online, it affects your digital footprint even after deletion. People can screenshot or save any video or photos you post which means you have to be careful of what you put on the internet. If what you post is embarrassing or hurtful,  it can be spread around the whole school and come back to you.

Digital footprints concept. Anonymity on the Internet
Question 2: What elements of school culture are necessary for you to be successful both academically and socially?

Some elements of school to help me to succeed are teachers, the learning center, laptops, library etc. Without these, school would be a lot more difficult and tiring.

Question 3: How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?

Some negative impacts of my phone are that it can be very distracting and prevents me from doing my work. Some positive impacts of my phone is that it can help me hand in things on Teams if I don’t have my laptop, it helps me communicate with friends or classmates to ask questions on homework and assignments. It also allows me to quickly research topics when curiosity strikes.

Free stock photo of analysis, anonymous, background Stock Photo



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