Tag Archive | monstermug

Final Monster Mug

Slug monster

Finished April 8th, 2022, Clay, under and overglaze.

created by, Elandi


Guys my mug is finally complete!!

I have a love-hate relationship with this mug.

Let’s start off with the “hate” part.

-I totally forgot to add white in the eyes. (How? I have no idea)

-I had to add afoot but it was way too dried up after spring break but I added one anyway.

-I feel I could have made it a bit bigger but it is what it is.

The love part:

-I love the design, it is very funny and scary at the same time.

-I love the colors and how it turned out.

-I love that the handle is so nicely attached, there are no cracks around it.

-There are also no cracks in the rest of the mug but in the foot.

-It is very comfortable to hold.

I am starting to make a new set of daisy dishes which I will post more about next week.

Week 2 progress – monster mug

It is week 2 and I have started my design.

I decided to do a slab mug because I wanted to try something new. I did want my mug to be a bit bigger, but I did not let that down me.

I began to really like my mug the more I worked on it.

A lot of people find the handle to be a difficult part. I did not find it difficult at all.

This is how this week’s progress turned out…

I really like how this turned out, after I took these photos I did add some texture.

In week three I was so busy painting and focusing on getting it done because the Friday of that week was spring break and I was a bit pressed for time, therefore I did not take any pictures.

I will explain my difficulties more in the next post.



Week 1 progress- Monster mug

This week I was starting to work on my monster mug.

I was gathering some ideas from interest but I found none I was interested in.

I was struggling a bit with finding a design I liked.

I started sketching some ideas in my sketchbook and you could check them out here…

Then I gathered some votes with my family to see which one they liked most and this one got 5/6 of the votes…

I did not want it to be too scary though.

In week 2, I will be starting the design…