HCE 9 – English Write

Option 4: “Gender Podium” by Marilena Nardi https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/3/photo-gender-equality-through-cartoonists-eyes The oppression of women in this society is still not equal or even close to being equal. I see men on top of women while they squish down. This is showing that they are not on the same level neither are they being left alone. They seem […]

Indigenous Exploration- St. Paul’s Residential School

St. Paul’s Residential School  By: Elaine Jarbou, Kianna Matuschewski, and Nia Ram Critical Thinking How does your artifact tie in with what you have learned before? How has your thinking changed? What made it change? This artifact ties in with our research and what we have learned before on residential schools, because it is our […]

Gender Inequality Article

The article: Women’s soccer is still fighting for equality — on many fronts | CBC Sports   This article is about how woman are still fighting for equality in soccer. There is a pay gap between how much men get paid in professional soccer and how much woman get paid in professional soccer. The merch […]

Community Connection

A Look Into Psychology   By: Elaine Jarbou Interviewee: Veronica Abdenour Interviewee’s Contact: vero.abdenour@gmail.com          I interviewed a young psychologist on her path to success by the name of Veronica Abdenour. At the moment she is looking into the clinical aspect of psychology. She identifies the therapeutic paths to guide people with […]