Indigenous Exploration- St. Paul’s Residential School

St. Paul’s Residential School 

By: Elaine Jarbou, Kianna Matuschewski, and Nia Ram

Investigation being launched at site of former residential school, B.C. First Nations announce | CTV NewsB.C. First Nations launch collaborative investigation into former St. Paul's Indian Residential School | CBC News

Critical Thinking

How does your artifact tie in with what you have learned before? How has your thinking changed? What made it change?

This artifact ties in with our research and what we have learned before on residential schools, because it is our way of diving deeper into one specific residential school. I researched about St. Paul’s residential school and gained knowledge about that school in particular. I have learned about residential schools in general before like most people in North America, however, I never got the chance to dive deep into a certain school. This changed my thinking by making my knowledge expand on what really happened inside those horrendous schools. Now that I have learned about St. Paul’s Residential school my thinking changed from, residential schools were awful, to, residential schools were horrific. Knowing that this is only one residential school makes my heart sink. St. Paul’s residential school had their own ways of punishment, but this makes me think how other schools punished their kids. Some punishments were more severe and some were less. Nonetheless, the punishments were all not right and mortifying. Overall, I learned a lot from this assignment, and it opened my eyes on what happened inside those appalling schools.


– My experiences creating this assignment.

My experiences while creating this assignment were satisfactory. I researched people’s anecdotes that survived St. Paul’s residential school. I found a very brave and tough man that not only came out of the school with scars, both mentally and physically, however came out of that school with a passion and a career. I felt pleased with the fact that even with the horrors in there, he still managed to discover his path and passion. Other than the anecdotes, I researched about the basic information on the school. For example, it was built in 1899 in North Vancouver and more than 2000 children attended that school. I dug deep into the introduction to the school on the podcast.


– My group’s path in researching the topic.

My group’s path creating this assignment was adequate. We split up the work in equal parts. Each of us worked on two topics and then we all put it into a script. I was very glad that everyone did their part and contributed together. I’m proud of my group for using our teamwork to set goals to finish certain parts of this project. Having my two partners made the weight of this assignment lighter. I liked that we were researching different parts of this project so that we may tell each other what we learned about the school. We worked hard to research the St. Paul’s residential school, and I think we did a great job.


– Obstacles or items you learnt in recording.

Our recording went smoothly. However, we kept having to restart because of our inability to be fluent when we are speaking. Whenever we would stutter, we would redo the part. Nevertheless, this was the only obstacle while filming. Before filming, we recorded each of our paragraphs to see if they will match the time limit. This way when we all recorded the podcast, it was the perfect time with only some minor struggles.






One thought on “Indigenous Exploration- St. Paul’s Residential School

  1. Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded, not all members uploaded
    – Reflection on blog somewhat explains process taken to complete the assignment
    – Clear audio quality and delivery, some background noise throughout
    – Podcast is well done

    Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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