The Technetium Element

What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

These are the questions I used to conduct my sway.

What does Technetium consist of?

· Color?

· Texture?

· Boiling point?

· Melting point?

· State of matter?

Where was Technetium discovered?

·When was Technetium discovered?

· Who discovered Technetium?

· How is Technetium used?

·How was Technetium named?

Where can you find Technetium?

· What is Technetium found in?

· Where can you get Technetium?

Is Technetium safe for humans?

· Is Technetium safe to touch?

· Is Technetium safe to be around?

·Is Technetium safe to consume?

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

The digital tools I used to work through this project were Pexels, YouTube,, and Google. Surprisingly, using YouTube as a digital tool was very helpful and provided me with great information about Technetium. Pexels and helped me find good appropriately sited pictures. Of course, Google led me to some substantial articles and websites with factual information that I got inspired from.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found?

I investigated Technetium by searching up questions that would further my knowledge about Technetium. I used my own words from the many articles and websites I read from. I didn’t just rephrase; I wrote what I interpreted from what I read.  I knew by cites were reliable because I checked for the author or organization that wrote the cite. I verified the information I got by checking the date it was written and if the URL is legible.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

I completed this assignment with good effort. I think to improve my skills I could have asked more questions to further my curiosity about Technetium. However, I am proud of my assignment and think I did pretty well. I got a full understanding of Technetium and an open mind to other elements on the periodic table that are less well known. In the future, I will ask more questions and write more about the element, so that I may leave the reader with no questions.


2 thoughts on “The Technetium Element

  1. Excellent information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well!

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