Chemistry Midterm Self Assessment and Goal-Setting


Strengths and Weaknesses

Atomic Theory 

Strengths: In the Atomic Theory unit I can easily calculate values ​​such as atomic number, atomic mass and isotope from the element given. I can distinguish which element belongs to which family. I know and can interpret periodic table trends. I know order of orbital occupancy and can do electron configuration easily. 

Weaknesses: When calculating ionization energy, I sometimes confuse periodic trends with each other and that’s why I sometimes make mistakes.


Strengths: In the Bonding unit I can interpret what happens as 2 atoms get closer to each other. I know and can interpret electronegativity trends. I can determine whether a molecule is polar, nonpolar or ionic. I can apply bond dipoles. I can draw Lewis diagrams of atoms and ions. I can draw the VSEPR shapes of molecules, show their bond dipoles, and decide whether they are polar or nonpolar. I know intermolecular bonding and can interpret it in questions.

Weaknesses: When drawing Lewis diagrams of molecules, I sometimes mix up the locations of the molecules or draw the wrong amount of dots of complex molecules.

The Mole

Strengths: In the Mole unit I know the unitary rates and can use them frequently while solving questions. I know the order of molar conversions and can use correct unitary rates. I know the difference between molecular and molar mass and can calculate them easily. I know molar volume ratios and can easily use them to solve questions. I can easily calculate the percent composition of the given molecule. I can calculate molecular and imperial formulas without difficulty.

Weaknesses: In questions where different unitary rates are combined, I sometimes mix up the conversions and get wrong results.


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