Title: Spice box inspired by my cats
Material: Clay, food safe paint
Artist: Eda Inceoz
Date: June 14, 2024
I was initially going to make a mug and for the design I inspired by my first and at the time my only cat, Ollie. But then we adopted another cat, Minik, and now I had to make a project based on the design of my two cats. I thought a lot about the mug, but I didn’t like the designs I tried. Then I saw a special spice mixture at home that my mother brought from Turkey. The spice came in a plastic bag and did not have a container. That’s why I decided to make a spice box in my cats’ design for this special spice. While doing this project, I learned how the clay wheel works and how to use it. Because I made the reservoir of my spice box on a clay wheel. When working on a clay wheel, it is necessary to touch the clay very carefully and gently. Otherwise, the clay may be warped or not have the desired appearance.