Week 3 # Math 10

I learned Scientific Notation this week. We use scientific notation for convenience when writing very large and very small numbers.

We use scientific notation in this form —> n = a x 10b

For example we can use scientific notation for this number —> 24900000000000000

This would be very difficult to write, right? Now we will shorten this with scientific notation. First of all, we always have a dot. This number of dots is right here —> 24900000000000000.

When writing in scientific notation, we move this dot back until there is a non-zero number left on the left.

Each time we move the point to the left, the number to the power of 10 increases by one.

Now our number looks like this —> 2.49 x 1016 

24900000000000000 = 2.49 x 1016 





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