Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

Before I started the project I took a look at all the functions we’ve done and the shapes they take. Then I tried to plan out which functions I will be using for what part in the project.

Since it was supposed to be holiday themed, I decided I wanted a christmas tree. I was intimidated to start with a portrait so I started with a tree.  I used constant functions and although it wasn’t difficult, it took me awhile to get the shading done.

The self portrait it self was very difficult for me. I started with a face shape then I had constant lines to divide up the face (which I deleted at the end of the project) to help me with keeping things proportionate. For most of the hair is just sine functions that were duplicated then translated or transformed in some way. I think my favourite part of the portrait is the dark circles I added. At first they were meant to be a joke and I was thinking of taking them out at the end but I ended up actually liking them a lot that I decided to keep it.

I would not have been able to finish this project without some help from friends who stayed on video calls with me for hours and were texting back and fourth. The project made me realize how the slightest change in numbers can have a really big affect on the graphs itself. It improved my understanding for functions and transformations. It was definitely frustrating and time consuming but overall fun project.

How do human relationships help us develop?

George and Lennie the protagonists from the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck have the strongest relationship in the novella. “because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, that’s why.” (John Steinbeck, pg.15) They both need and depend on each other, share the same dreams and take care of each other. George was thrust into this parent role for Lennie. George holds onto to Lennie’s work card and always does the talking for him. George could have left Lennie when he was in trouble but he decided to run with him. They look forward to their American dream and it’s something that keeps them going. It has always been George and Lennie until Slim. In the third chapter George confesses to slim what had happened before they came on this ranch and his relationship with Lennie. George finds an ally in Slim and it’s a relief to be able to talk about Lennie. Their relationship helps George deal with the stress of taking care of Lennie and have someone to talk to. It would be overwhelming from time to time to take care of Lennie. At the end of the book Slim tells George “You hadda, George. I swear you hadda.” (Steinbeck, pg.107) Slim was the only one who understood what really happened, and comforted George. Many people prefer companionship over being alone. Lennie helped George grow as person. People can find friendship in unexpected places or situations. Relationships influence us in the way we talk, lifestyle choices and we grow from it. Companionship can affect us positively or negatively and we learn from it.



Determining Which Relation is a Function

This week in class we learned how to determine which relation is a function.
There were several ways of figuring this out.

In a arrow diagram, if one input has more than one arrow it is not a function.

In ordered pairs, if you have more than one ordered pair with the same input value, but different outputs it is not a function.

On graphs, you can check if it pass the vertical line test. If a vertical line crosses the graph more than once then it is not a function.

One output may correspond to multiple inputs and it will still be a function.


Input: independent variables and make up domain.
Output: dependent variables and make up range.

Transgenic Animals

What are Transgenic Animals?
Transgenic animals are animals that have had foreign gene injected into their genome through the techniques of genetic engineering. The result is the birthing of genetically modified animals.

What are the methods of creating transgenic animals?
There are three principal methods used for the creation of transgenic animals.

a) DNA microinjection
this method also known as physical transfection is direct microinjection of  DNA of a different or same species into the pro-nucleus of a fertilized ovum. This process can be random and there is a high chance that injected gene will not insert itself into a site on the host DNA that will permit it’s expression. This is one of the first methods that proved to be effective in mammals and has a major advantage since it’s applicable to a wide variety of species.

b) Embryonic stem cell-mediated gene transferclip_image002_thumb15

Embryonic stem cell-mediated gene transfer involves prior insertion of desired DNA into totipotent stem cells from the embryo. The result is chimerThis method is important for the study of genetic control of developmental process.


c) Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer
Retroviruses are commonly used as vectors, an organism that transmits a disease from one animal to transfer genetic material into the
cell (using their ability to infect host cells.) A retrovirus carries it’s genetic information in the form of RNA insured of DNA. Organisms developed from this method are chimeric for not all cells carry the retrovirus.

What are the uses for transgenic animals?

Transgenic animals are used in the laboratory for research and experiments. Over 95% of those used are modified rodents, mostly mice. They play an important role as tools for researching human disease, cure for such diseases, being ablate understand gene function and to see the progress as well as response to therapeutic interventions. Mice have also been genetically modified to be able to produce human antibodies for uses as therapeutics.


Mice are the main choice of transgenic animals because it’s genome is similar to humans; Psycho
logic and behavioural test performed on these mice can be extended to human diseases. Mice are also able to reproduce quicker and this becomes an advantage for the offspring of transgenic animals can differ from each other resulting in more data that can be studied.


Transgenic cows: Transgenic cows have been found to produce to lactoferrin which can be found in the immune system which can be used as a additive to infant formula. Also a natural protein produced in the milk of transgenic cows can kill bacteria that cause animal mastitis.

Breeding: Traditional breeding can be take a long time and is a difficult task; when technology using molecular biology was developed it was possible to develop traits in animals in shorter time.

Xenotransplantation: Pigs have organs like humans in size and their tissues age must faster. Hypothetically transgenic pigs may provide the transplant organ needed. Currently this treatment is delayed by a pig protein that can cause donor rejection but there are research done to replace with human protein and remove pig protein.

Disease: By genetically modifying DNA, the animals can produce human drugs like insulin, vaccines and some other; they can be used by diabetes patients who need insulin as well as patients with diseases such as sickle cell anemia.

Transgenic animals are emerging faster. They have been a role in help finding cures for diseases and as the research extends there will be more cures in a more efficient and harmless way.

Totipotent stem cells: stem cells that can develop into any type of specialized cell
Lactoferrin: multifunctional protein found in bodily fluids,  bactericidal and also have iron properties.
Animal mastitis: inflammation of the mammary gland in the great or udder


Finding a Missing Side of a Right Triangle

To find a missing side of a right triangle, you’ll need 1 side and 1 angle.
To find a missing angle of a right triangle, you’ll need 2 sides.

There are 2 ways to solve for a missing side of a right triangle. By using either SOH CAH TOA or if there are already 2 sides, you can use pythagorean theorem.

First, label the sides in respect of the angle you’re using. Once you’ve labeled decide which trig function to use.

SOH       CAH       TOA
(Sin: \frac{O}{H}) (Cos: \frac{A}{H}) (Tan: \frac{O}{A})


To solve this equation I will be using Cos for we’re looking for adjacent and we have the hypotenuse. Cosine: \frac{A}{H}

(36) \cos45^\circ=\frac{x}{36} (36)
(36) \cos45^\circ = x
x = (36) \cos45^\circ
x = 24.7487 cm
x = 25cm (rounding to the nearest cm)


Get to know me.

Get to know me assignment.

Summer! It’s the best time of the year, no school, you can do whatever you want, and go everywhere! For me, I haven’t experienced a really great summer that i didn’t want to end yet. Don’t get me wrong there are places I want to go and things I want to do but few of them actually becomes a reality.

I didn’t go anywhere out of BC this summer, but it was still pretty fun, I just think that I could’ve done more. The first couple weeks of summer’s always a blast but then things kind of get slow after that. I would meet up with my friends, we would go get lunch, go to the river and then go to someone’s house. We did that a lot and it started to feel like a routine to me but i wasn’t complaining.

I actually like going to the river. The sound of the endless flowing water on a very hot day and when you finally jump in the water, the heat is immediately replaced by the chilling feeling. There’s no worries and you just float in the water, moving slowly with the current. Then I would go off the rope swing. No matter how many times I go off it i still get nervous right before i jump. I got a lot of cuts and bruises from the river but they were worth it.

July.25th 2015 was one of the best days of my life. I would relive it over and over if I could. I remember i waited for that day for months and months.It was the concert day of my favourite band called 5 Seconds of Summer. I went with one of my best friends and it was breath taking. From start to finish it was just an amazing concert. I didn’t want it to end. I felt free. When the concert ended I felt like crying and there were actually some girls who cried. I still look at the videos and wish I could go back or wish they would announce their next headlining tour.

I had a lot of sleepovers obviously. I would invite my best friends and we would play ouija and we didn’t necessarily believe in it, it was just thrilling. We had a lot of photoshoots in our rooms. We would dress up and blast music and those are the moments I live for. When we have a lot of our girlfriends together and we’re just having fun.

It wasn’t an over the top, special summer but it was a pretty good one. The next summer though, I’m already preparing for that. I made a list of places I want to go and things to do like a bucket list and take my word on it, I will complete it and make the most out of it.
