Get to know me.

Get to know me assignment.

Summer! It’s the best time of the year, no school, you can do whatever you want, and go everywhere! For me, I haven’t experienced a really great summer that i didn’t want to end yet. Don’t get me wrong there are places I want to go and things I want to do but few of them actually becomes a reality.

I didn’t go anywhere out of BC this summer, but it was still pretty fun, I just think that I could’ve done more. The first couple weeks of summer’s always a blast but then things kind of get slow after that. I would meet up with my friends, we would go get lunch, go to the river and then go to someone’s house. We did that a lot and it started to feel like a routine to me but i wasn’t complaining.

I actually like going to the river. The sound of the endless flowing water on a very hot day and when you finally jump in the water, the heat is immediately replaced by the chilling feeling. There’s no worries and you just float in the water, moving slowly with the current. Then I would go off the rope swing. No matter how many times I go off it i still get nervous right before i jump. I got a lot of cuts and bruises from the river but they were worth it.

July.25th 2015 was one of the best days of my life. I would relive it over and over if I could. I remember i waited for that day for months and months.It was the concert day of my favourite band called 5 Seconds of Summer. I went with one of my best friends and it was breath taking. From start to finish it was just an amazing concert. I didn’t want it to end. I felt free. When the concert ended I felt like crying and there were actually some girls who cried. I still look at the videos and wish I could go back or wish they would announce their next headlining tour.

I had a lot of sleepovers obviously. I would invite my best friends and we would play ouija and we didn’t necessarily believe in it, it was just thrilling. We had a lot of photoshoots in our rooms. We would dress up and blast music and those are the moments I live for. When we have a lot of our girlfriends together and we’re just having fun.

It wasn’t an over the top, special summer but it was a pretty good one. The next summer though, I’m already preparing for that. I made a list of places I want to go and things to do like a bucket list and take my word on it, I will complete it and make the most out of it.


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  1. Great piece of writing Eaemya! Sounds like you had an overall amazing Summer! It truly is the best time of the year. I loved the collage, it looks really cool!

  2. Great job Eaemya! I loved your collage and you will look back in a few years wanting to have the summer of relaxation that you had!

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