Chemistry Co-op Midterm Self Reflection 2024

Below is a paragraph containing my reflection on my content understanding in Physics 11. In terms of content, I feel that I do not currently have the understanding that I wish to have. I feel in part, that this was caused by a brief coverage of chemistry in grade 10 leading to a lack of knowledge of the basics for this year’s course. I believe that having a lack of…

Electric House Project – Science 9 Honors/ADL10

This post is all about the Science 9 Honors/ ADL10 electrical house project. For this project, groups of two had to create cardboard houses, and wire them with working circuits to light up the rooms. Tae and I decided to make a castle, with all the necessary circuits, including a working automatic door! This is how that process went: Define, Dream, Design, Debrief Define:          For our project,…

Indigenous Exploration – Potable Water Crisis in Indigenous Nations

Potable Water Crisis in Indigenous Nations By: Ely Tucay, and Dylan Betts   Reflection  My experiences creating this assignment:   I had a lot of fun completing this assignment, but also learned a lot about the issues going on around Canada. I was very invested in the research of our project, and learned many new ways to find information, including on the websites provided on the riverside website. I learned about…