Chemistry Co-op Midterm Self Reflection 2024

Below is a paragraph containing my reflection on my content understanding in Physics 11. In terms of content, I feel that I do not currently have the understanding that I wish to have. I feel in part, that this was caused by a brief coverage of chemistry in grade 10 leading to a lack of knowledge of the basics for this year’s course. I believe that having a lack of…

Co-op Midterm Self-Reflection

This document is my midterm reflection on the subject of Content Understanding. Items in Italics are prompts, all other writing is part of my reflection.   This document has now been updated with a reflection on the second half of this semester and how I achieved/didn’t achieve my goals. All edits/reflections completed at the end of the semester are written in blue, as seen here. Select ONE pillar from your Self-Assessment…

Indigenous Exploration – Potable Water Crisis in Indigenous Nations

Potable Water Crisis in Indigenous Nations By: Ely Tucay, and Dylan Betts   Reflection  My experiences creating this assignment:   I had a lot of fun completing this assignment, but also learned a lot about the issues going on around Canada. I was very invested in the research of our project, and learned many new ways to find information, including on the websites provided on the riverside website. I learned about…