Electric House Project – Science 9 Honors/ADL10

This post is all about the Science 9 Honors/ ADL10 electrical house project. For this project, groups of two had to create cardboard houses, and wire them with working circuits to light up the rooms. Tae and I decided to make a castle, with all the necessary circuits, including a working automatic door! This is how that process went: Define, Dream, Design, Debrief Define:          For our project,…

Electrical Safety Poster 2023 Reference Page

While making this poster project I used many sites to inform me on the ways to keep me and the people around me safe in the case of an electrical safety hazard. These articles are cited below. #1 Working near Power Lines. BC Hydro – Power smart. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2023, from https://www.bchydro.com/safety-outages/electrical-safety/worker-training.html This article had a lot of information on how to deal with electrical wires in the…

Information Fluency Project ADL10/Science9

Information Fluency Project The Raw Sewage Crisis By: Dylan Betts (Christian Serban as groupmate) Our Sway: Our Letter: Dear Honourable George Heyman,  This is a letter coming from two Riverside students named Dylan Betts and Christian Serban. -We are writing this letter to inform you on a problem with energy usage that we have recently discovered in a project relating to energy issues found in BC, and more specifically Vancouver.…