Desmos Name Tag 2024

This assignment was completed for my Foundations of Math 10 class. We were assigned to make our names using functions in Desmos. Below are the photos of the completed assignment as well as the reflection question. Photos: Reflection: Q: Write to explain your creative and critical thinking process as you worked to create your name using equations. Which equations did you use for each letter? How did you move them…

In The Woods

A deep dive into the microscopic world around us and how its inhabitants strive.  By Dylan Betts                                                 Published April 22nd, 2024    Part one: Bombus Occidentalis          The Common Western Bumblebee, known scientifically as Bombus Occidentalis, is one of the most important pollinators in…

Personal Health Plan and Proficiency

For the health unit in Physical Education 10, students had to record their exercise, nutrition, hydration, recreational tech use, and sleep. We then had to compare them to the recommendations for a healthy life. Below are the documents, with the first being the recordings of three days of my life, the second has my plans for the future to maintain good health, and the last is a core competency reflection…