Digital footprint can affect my future opportunities because when I go for interviews for jobs sometimes they will search me up or my social medias to see if I’m  responsible for the jobs another reason why it can affect my future is because over all it can affect your relationships with people and it can stay online for a long time depending on what kind of choices you made in the past.

Man Wearing Black Headset

Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons

One example to make my digital footprint appropriate and safe is to think what I’m posting before posting on social media or online another reason to make  my digital footprint safe or appropriate is to have good behavior towards others because the way I treat people can affect my future or affect my future with my jobs one last reason to make my digital footprint appropriate and safe is to update apps and my phone can help me become safe and a safer person online.

Person Using A Mac Book Pro


I’ve learned that to be safe online is to help others and treat people the way you wanted to be treated and tell people if they are doing anything inappropriate on their social medias or online so you can help out others so they wont make any bad decisions

Young woman using laptop at home