English 12 – All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter 4- 5 Roles

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Chapter 4

Researcher and Travel Tracer:

They were getting close to the front lines pg. 53 (travel tracer)

They are being subject to enemy fire; they end up in the graveyard.  pg. 65 (travel tracer)

The soldiers were getting attacked by the gas shells.  pg. 68 (travel tracer)

Trenches pg. 65, pg. 73

The front line trenches were the most dangerous of the trenches.

The front line trenches were constantly under fire.

These trenches had electricity and may have some running water.

The trenches were dug by the German Soldiers.

There were diseases and severe sicknesses which, occured to soldiers in the trenches.

The experience of the trenches impacted the soldiers life later with a condition called Shell-stock.




Shell-hole pg. 65, pg. 70, pg. 73

Indents/holes made into the ground from bombings and other explosive attacks.

Soldiers used shell-holes for shelter.

Image result for shell holes ww1

Lorries pg. 51, pg. 65

Liberty truck in the WW1

War vehicle


Wiring fatigue pg. 51

Laying of barbed wire

This method is used to slow enemies down.

Image result for barbed wire ww1

Munition Columns pg. 52

Where the military vehicles, carrying the artilley and ammunition are.

It is also known at the divisional artillery or artillery brigade.

Image result for artillery brigade ww1


Chapter 5 

Researcher and Travel Tracer

The men are in the huts barracks discussing head lice, and what they are going to do when the war is over. (travel tracer)

Some of the young men are more concerned than others because, they left school to go to the war.

Albert Kropp says “The war has ruined us for everything.” pg.87 (travel tracer)

Katzsinsky and Paul go on a munition-wagon to a shed belonging to a regimental headquarters to catch a goose.

munition wagon pg.91

Wagons which carried the ammunition.

Image result for ammunition wagon ww1



Lieutenant – Platoon (basic unit of foot soldiers) were under the command of a lieutenant.  The second lowest rank.

Image result for leutnant zur see

Corporal – 5-6 up from the lowest ranking

Image result for Unteroffizier ww1 german corporal

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