Community Connection – ALD COL 10

Community Connection

By: Doreen K.

For my community connections project, I chose to do something I am passionate about, taekwondo. The person I decided to interview is Sareena Sokhanvar who is a student at Charles Best Secondary School. Sareena is a 2nd Dan Black Belt at Endurance Taekwondo and an instructor. She started taekwondo at 8 years old. Her parents decided to put her in a sport to protect herself as well as a way for her to stick up for herself in any situation if needed. Sareena was very shy, quiet and introverted, taekwondo was a way for Sareena to gain confidence and become the person she is today. 

Provincials Champion

Sareena got offered a job at 14 years old at Endurance Taekwondo after volunteering in many classes as well as consistently attending leadership classes for around a year and a half. She helps kids with their kicking, punching and patterns, assists the head instructor, and sometimes leads her classes. Some responsibilities Sareena has is helping the kids focus in class, motivating them, holding targets for their kicking and teaching and improving their skills. She also talks to them about important factors in life like respect, health, and perseverance.


ADL23solution – Doreen K.

In Science 9, we made an electric house project with Christmas lights, wires and switches made with brass and paperclips. I was able to use Tinkercad to 3D print and object to fix a problem in our electric house. 

Define: A challenge that was found in the electric house was with the wiring. The house is 2 stories tall with the lighting on the roof of each story. The Christmas lights were pointy and long which caused the lights to stick through the cardboard roofing of the house. When the second story was being attached, the lights were sticking out of the first story and made an uneven gap between the two floors making it unbalanced. 

Another challenge that we had was that when we made our design in Tinkercad, we had a few failed attempts with the designs with getting it attached to the plate. When we printed our design, we originally printed 6 pillars, 2 that were 8.5 inches tall and 4 that were 4 inches tall. While printing, 2 of the pillars (8.5) failed to print properly. 

Dream: As a solution to the roofing and flooring issue, me and my group had decided to 3D print 4 pillars to make a gap between the two floors making it still accessible to wiring if there were to have any problems. To solve the problem of the model not attaching to the plate, we added supports to the bottom of the pillars to connect it to the plate to be able to start printing. To solve the problem of the 2 pillars failing, we improvised by using the 4 pillars to support the two floors and used the remaining parts of the 2 failed pillars to add stability into our house in-between the floors.

Deliver: How i packaged and published my solution was by taking risks by choosing to add a fireplace to our house. How i packaged my solution was by making sure i took photos of everything we had done and making sure to edit the photos to make sure it is clear what i am talking about. I published my solution well by making sure that all the planning was nice and neat and all my drawings and Phet simulator were easy to understand. 



DebriefI am very proud and satisfied of how the project went. Everything went pretty smoothly and i am very proud about all the effort that went into it and all the teamwork. I am very proud of how well we managed our time by assigning each group member to a certain part of the house that match their strengths. I think that for next time, we could have been less ambitious with the size of the house and could have gotten the same grade by shrinking the size of the house but adding the same amount of detail. Another improvement that could have been made was that the wiring went behind the house instead of on top saving the time making such difficult 3D print to hide all the wiring.


Footprint2023 👣

How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?
Positive impact on your learning:
-Cell phones can have a positive impact on your learning by using the internet for research purposes when you do not have your laptop with you
-Cell phones can have a positive impact on your learning by being able to make connections to classmates online which can help you feel more comfortable in your classroom by having a friend

Negative impact on your learning:
-Cell phones can have a positive impact on your learning by causing distracts when in class
-Notifications and addiction to your cell phone can affect your learning
-Negative social media can impact your learning by not feeling safe and or confident enough to come to school and learn


Do Phones Affect Your Mental Health - Cares Healthy

What techniques around digital self-regulation could you use during class time that could contribute to academic success?
Digital Note taking: Digital note taking is a good way to keep yourself organized and is great for the people who do not feel comfortable leaving their phones alone or what they call ” No Mobile Phobia ” like said in the video.
Listening to music while doing work: Listening to music while doing homework is a great way to take your mind off using devices.
strong>Turning your phone off while learning: Turning your phone off or just muting your notifications can help you to focus on your classes or when you’re doing your homework.
-Turning your cellular device off while you’re sleeping: One way that can improve your academic learning is by turning your phone off at night. By doing so, you can help yourself fall asleep faster. By having the recommended amount of sleeping for your age, it is essential for maintaining attention and focus during waking hours. Sleep deprivation can lead to difficulties in concentrating, which can compromise the learning process. For the average highschooler ages 14-17, 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night is essential for Brain Detoxification: During sleep, the brain’s glymphatic system (waste management system) becomes more active, facilitating the removal of waste products and toxins that accumulate in the brain during wakefulness. This process is thought to support overall brain health and cognitive function.

brain detox |

What elements of school culture are necessary for you to be successful both academically and socially?
-Peer Relationships/Making friends: Positive peer relationships are important for social success. A school that promotes teamwork, collaboration, and inclusivity can help students form meaningful friendships and support networks. Making friends are a great way to make your classes more fun and make you more willing to attend your classes.
-Group Projects: Group projects are important for socializing with your peers. In group projects, everyone is forced to work together and socialize to make the project making them form connections and get to know the group members. Group projects are important for also being able to make connects throughout the classrooms and making new friends as well.

Group-Projects - Study Breaks