Minecraft Solution Fluency


Our team wanted to find out how can we get rid of toilet waste. Humans produce a lot of toilet waste which can lead to the climate change. When poop is not properly disposed, it introduces harmful bacteria and nutrients into local waters. It may not appear to be a stormwater issue, but waste is one of many seemingly minor sources of pollution that can add up to major issues for water quality and even human health. But the waste product can be useful. Switching to biogas as vehicle fuel can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector between 60% and 80%. We wanted to know how we could turn waste into something useful as biogas or how we can use it as a fertilizer.


Domestic biogas technology connects toilets to anaerobic digesters, which are airless units where bacteria break down organic waste materials into clean renewable biogas. This technology is more common in low and middle-income countries, but it has the potential to be used globally. In 2016, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States were the top producers of biogas for vehicle fuel. Around 500 plants worldwide produce approximately 50 petajoules per year of such upgraded biogas, also known as biomethane. China, France, the UK and Scandinavian countries, in particular, have strongly supported the transition to biogas in the transport sector.




Our team tried to research the topic first. We had some doubts about this topic, but we decided to try. It seemed like a problem most people don’t know and especially don’t talk about. We tried to think how could we reduce toilet waste and we found information about biogas. Next step was to draw what we want to build in minecraft. We had an idea how we want to show everything so it was easy. Maybe if we would have more time we could get to know topic better and get to know structure of machines that help create biogas. But generally I’m happy with a final result of our project.





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